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Leapfrog fixtures


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Hi All,


I'm working on a pantomime and having had problems with the venues antiquated lighting desk have hired a leapfrog. The pantomime lot want to use some LED parcans and other disco effect stuff which all work on DMX, HOWEVER, I can't find them in the fixtures library and am having problems creating the fixtures myself.


Is anyone able to help either with creating the fixtures or suggesting a fixture already in the library that would work?


The fixtures are Visage VIS034 (7x8W 4 in 1 LED flat black PAR) and Visage VIS067 (LED Sputnik1)


Thanks in advance.



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Thanks for the response!


The VIS034 DMX listings are channel 1: RGBW dimmer, channel 2: red dimmer, channel 3: green dimmer, channel 4; blue dimmer, channel 5: white dimmer, channel 6: strobe etc, channel 7: speed (corresponds with channel 6)


The VIS067 DMX listings are channel 1: strobe, channel 2: blue, channel 3: green, channel 4: red, channel 5: left and right direction, channel 6: built in program/sound active.





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Using a query on the Avolites database there are no matches to either mapping.


There are a handful that come close to the VIS034 where just channel 7 is different. However, these are all very obscure and it is highly unlikely the Leapfrog will have them.


Instead my suggestion would be to patch 6ch fixtures (dimmer/red/green/blue/white/shutter) leaving gaps for the 7th channel. If you find that the response speed of the fixture is a problem then just patch dimmers for the speed channel and set them all to the same value as required.


I don't know what is available in the Leapfrog but here are some alternatives that have dimmer/red/green/blue/white/shutter:


Chauvet COLORado 1 Tour/COLORado 3P Tour/COLORado 2 Tour/COLORado 1 IP/COLORado 2 ZoomTour/COLORado 2/COLORado 2 IP/COLORado 1 Quad Tour/COLORado Deco Quad-1 Tour (all ARC2+S mode)

Showtec Spectral M1000 Tour Q4/Spectral 2500 Zoom/Spectral M4000/Spectral 300 Q4 (all ARC2+S again)

BriteQ Micro Beamer RGBW

Mega Lite Arc 90

Prolight ARCLED7348 (ARC2S)

Prolights ARCLED7361Zoom

Prolights ARC7337Z (ARC2S)

Silver Star YG LED 321W (ARC2S)

Silver Star YG-LED318XW (ARC2+S)

Livegear Boxer (AR2S)

Stagg King Par 2 (ARC2+S)


Note that if the Leapfrog has ranges defined for shutter then they might not all match - I haven't checked. However, given that they pretty much all have identical mode names chances are they are all exactly the same. These are very common. Presumably made under some sort of licence.



The main issue with the VIS067 is the 'left and right direction' bit. Even if we change 'strobe' to 'dimmer', drop the macros on ch6 and use a standard red/green/blue order (which is almost certainly how it is anyway) I'm not sure what you do about the fifth channel.


There are countless 4ch dimmer,red,green,blue options out there. If the Chauvet fixtures are available then ARC1+D is your mode.

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Email jon.hole@cooperindustries.com - they should be able to create a profile from the fixture information.


The Zero88 website did have a software tool for creating your own fixture profile but I can't seem to find it.


There is, however, a link to download the latest fixture profiles Link


Hope this helps



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All,


I'm having problems with one of these fixtures- the Visage 034. Both with the profiles I have created and the ones Jon kindly uploaded the fixtures are intermittently flashing, even with the strobe set to 0. I have tried different desks, different DMX cables and a number of 034's and the problem still arises. Any ideas?






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When you say 034, that wouldn't be an IP66 LED bar by any chance? I've got 6 that do something similar, just flash at random every now and then. Its not normally a problem for us as we only use them for uplighting walls and they are on constantly. Sorry this isn't much help, we just accept it. I assume its the actual fixture as they do it on different desks and cables.
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Are they flashing all channels to full (white) or are they actually cutting out (all to 0)? Sounds like the problem lies within the fixture rather than the console (and I'm not just saying that because I work for Zero!). If it's happening to multiple units, and only when plugged into DMX, it could be that they don't perform to DMX Spec and are having issues with the DMX timings that they are receiving. Best to talk to the guys at Batmink, who run all the support for Visage
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Hi Jon, yeah they're cutting out - all at random times, Like a flickering effect. We've justo spoken to Batmink(who supplied the fixtures) but there was only a guy from accounts in - he insisted there's no problem with that model but I'm finding that difficult to believe! Thanks for your help anyway, I guess I'm stuck with a half working rig until the new year!






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