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Fixtures on Drugs


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This is very silly but entertains me:


One of many bizarre topics which came across the comms during a recent production of Grease was that of drugs and lighting...


It all started with the analogy that all moving lights are on acid, because of their tedancy to flip through an array of psychedelic colours or trip out on a stroboscopic shutter frenzy.


The question then begged 'what are all the other luminaire types taking and why?' We had a few thoughts but I'd like to hear what other people think.


So, what are fresnels high on? pars? floods? profiles? and so on---



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All the hazers and smoke machines have got to be the stoner contingency. With the amount they puff out. and the fact they just sit there and do nothing until you prod them into action.

If they could order take out pizza while they're waiting, they would.



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All the hazers and smoke machines have got to be the stoner contingency. With the amount they puff out. and the fact they just sit there and do nothing until you prod them into action.

If they could order take out pizza while they're waiting, they would.



And just like American presidents, they don't inhale. :D

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Well we all know that followspots are just profiles on steroids.


And I guess Parcans are adrenalin junkies due to the fact that you can kick the living C*** out of them but they keep on going as if nothing has happened.


Does the board op count as a fixture?

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