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avolites azure shadow


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Hi guys I have recently purchased a avolites azure shadow and an a bit unsure about certain things about it I am use to using a jands vista t2 console! Theres a few questions but if any of you could answer them that woukd be great! So hear goes...is there a way of homing fixtures, say I set a pan/tilt up then want to clear it back to 0 is there a way? I tried pressing clear but they just stay the same! Next is there a way of creating a strobe effect? I have martin mac 250's and the strobes in the built in pallets dont work. Same with colour wheel scroll effects is there a way to create them? The pallet ones again dont work. Is there a way to put groups onto a fader just to control the intensity? Same with the buttons if I made some groups is it possible to put them onto a button and flash the groups manually to the music beat? I cant find a way to do that without making a cue which saves possition and everything when all I want is intensity! Is it possible to make a cue then add sepparate steps to that cue or does each sepparate cue have to be on a button? Is it possible to change page and play another cue while still having cues playing on page one? When I did this it would over ride cues on page 1 and stop them. I think thats them all! Sorry theres so many but im use to jands which is all touch screen so this is a lot different! Thanks for your help and hope someone can help me! Dan
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Hi guys I have recently purchased a avolites azure shadow and an a bit unsure about certain things about it I am use to using a jands vista t2 console! Theres a few questions but if any of you could answer them that woukd be great! So hear goes...is there a way of homing fixtures, say I set a pan/tilt up then want to clear it back to 0 is there a way? I tried pressing clear but they just stay the same!



Next is there a way of creating a strobe effect? I have martin mac 250's and the strobes in the built in pallets dont work. Same with colour wheel scroll effects is there a way to create them? The pallet ones again dont work.


Make / record palettes that do work.



Is there a way to put groups onto a fader just to control the intensity? Same with the buttons if I made some groups is it possible to put them onto a button and flash the groups manually to the music beat?


Clear the programmer. Select fixtures, put at Full. Record to a fader, checking that Rec By Channel is selected.


Is it possible to make a cue then add sepparate steps to that cue or does each sepparate cue have to be on a button?


Yes, make a chase and set it to bump through on the Go press rather than automatically advance.


Is it possible to change page and play another cue while still having cues playing on page one? When I did this it would over ride cues on page 1 and stop them.


Yes, as long as they aren't on the same fader. If they "override" running cues rather depends on the contents of the cue. There is no priority setting or anything like stomping on the old Avo platform. To be honest, these questions suggest that you really need to read the excellent Pearl/Azure user manual.


Funny, I now realise how much is already "done" for the current generation of desk users. Must be getting old.

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Regarding the clear button, avo consoles are a bit unusual in that they don't reset the attribute values to home when you press clear like many other consoles do. Clear turns off the htp (dimmer) values and removes all values from the programmer but leaves ltp values at their last setting. As rob says, locate is what you want.
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Thanks for answering all my questions there all great and make sense! Except one, how do I make a strobe effect then save it into the pallet? I know how to save possitions etc into the pallets but not sure how to make and save a intensity effect? Your right I do need a good read of the manual as I dont know much about avo desks really! My vista desk still involves lots of programming and things but is all on a screen instead of buttons thats the biggest difference so just need to get use to it! Dan
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Clear the progranmer. Select only one of your fixtures. Wind the Shutter channel until you get the strobe you want. Record as a palette. Selecting only one unit of your fixture type creates a global palette that works no matter how many of the same type you patch afterwards.


PS. The way a desk releases or revert when one clears a progranmer is a bugbear of mine, especially with no active playbacks holding them. I don't want a desk to Home the fixtures just coz I've cleared, particularly when busking. I usually turn that off on various desks if I can. If I want to reassert something I prefer to do it by hand at the right moment.

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For strobe, you'll also need to create a "not strobe" palette to turn it off afterwards. Strobe/Shutter is controlled as an "LTP" attribute not an "HTP" (intensity) attribute - so if you create a playback which triggers strobing, turning off the playback will not stop the strobing.
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You just save a palette like Rob said... clear programmer, select one fixture, wind the Shutter channel until you get "open" (normally right down at the bottom), save palette.

Okay thanks that makes sense think im finally getting it all haha! Now may sound stupid bu is there a 'shutter' button to control the shutter channel as I cant see one? Thanks again

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For strobe, you'll also need to create a "not strobe" palette to turn it off afterwards. Strobe/Shutter is controlled as an "LTP" attribute not an "HTP" (intensity) attribute - so if you create a playback which triggers strobing, turning off the playback will not stop the strobing.


My favourite way to create a strobe playback on the Pearl/Azure is to use a Mode 2 fader setting so that not only do you get a range of strobes, depending on fader position, but it also turns the strobe "off" when you take the fader out again. Of course, if you are triggering using palettes or the playback buttons (executor type things above the row of playback faders) then you will still need to create a Strobe Stop thing somewhere.


Edit: Shutter Iris is next to the Dimmer attribute button above the encoders.

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The only thing I would add to this is when recording and recalling palettes the software applies masks. To avoid over-complicating this basically means you need to have either shutter or dimmer attribute selected when you store and recall otherwise it won't work.


The 'mode 2' that Rob describes is something that you set via the playback timing options and makes the attribute 'fade by fader', a bit like making an LTP attribute behave like HTP. However, there are a number of caveats to this, particularly that the attribute must be set to a fading type. Typically channels like shutter will be set to non-fading (instant) in the factory personality. This can be overridden in the software but is a bit more advanced. Because of this I would advise leaving mode 2 until you are more familiar with the software.

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I have a question for you - for a change!


WHY did you buy an azure shadow??!!!!


For the money you must have had - you could of bought something a lot more friendlier and easier to use. In my 17 years in the pro lighting industry, I have never met a single person who likes that desk! Be it in any theatre, nightclub, event, cruise or theme park environment.

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I have a question for you - for a change!


WHY did you buy an azure shadow??!!!!


For the money you must have had - you could of bought something a lot more friendlier and easier to use. In my 17 years in the pro lighting industry, I have never met a single person who likes that desk! Be it in any theatre, nightclub, event, cruise or theme park environment.


The desk is a great little desk when you cant fit a pearl in your working area. Yes I would go for a pearl over one but that only due to roller they are great desks for nightclubs. you can even setup the remote to say the bar so they can use the 20 environment programmes for when there no op. now most clubs have gone with showcad or other cheap usb software. But cant be a bad desk if they still sell them.

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