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Gulp - Bought some more PA


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** laughs out loud ** Thought I was too old for this game but couldn't resist.


Just bought a new A&H Zed 428 desk and some RCF loaded cabs - 1600W 2 x 15" subs and 15" mid/tops.


Need some amps, so was thinking of a pair of T.Amp TA2400mkX as I've used those very successfully in the past.


Will need crossover, thinking dbx Driverack?


Graphics any suggestions?


Anyone got any 2nd hand kit to sell?





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RCF loaded cabs - 1600W 2 x 15" subs and 15" mid/tops.


Need some amps, so was thinking of a pair of T.Amp TA2400mkX as I've used those very successfully in the past.




your cabs are 1600w @ 8r or 4r?

either way, that amp is underpowered (2x 1200W at 4r, 2x 650W at 8r)

"they" do bigger ones in the same range.

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1600W either 4 or 16 depending on whether I wire series/parallel.


Yes, I know I'm under powered, Didn't know there was a bigger T.Amp or a we using the B word?


Another amp possibility might be 2 x QSC RMX 2450s running in bridge mode, each producing 2400w into 4 ohms (so one per side for the subs) and then a TA2400 to run the tops?

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The speakers are Announcement Audio, made locally in Devon.


The subs each use 2 x RCF L15P400 drivers, each driver rated at 800W AES, 1600W program.


The tops use B&C drivers, according to manufacturer the cab is rated at 600W RMS 1200W program.


I've actually used this kit before on a dry hire (powered by MC2 E25s), it was pretty darn good.

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@audiomik - Matrix looks interesting.


I think, however, that I have made the decision power amp wise.


I'm gonna use T.Amp TA1400s to power the mid/tops and QSC RMX 2450s to power the subs, all running bridge mode. My subs are 4 ohm and the mid/tops are 8 ohm.


QSC RMX 2450 (2400W RMS 4 ohm bridged) --> Subs, (rated 1600W RMS, 3200W Program) a side. The QSCs @ £583 each.


T.Amp TA1400 (1200W RMS 8 ohm bridged) --> Tops, (rated 600W RMS, 1200W Program) a side. The T.Amps @ £200 each.


This keeps me in budget (just) and gives a reasonable match power amps to speakers.


Regards all

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I'd say you were underpowered for the tops, I'd want at least 900RMS watts a side and preferably 1200watts RMS, the amp has to be able to handle the peaks without clipping or you risk blowing tweeters. The TA2400 is only £40 more than the TA1400 and should give you a bit more in reserve.
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I'd say you were underpowered for the tops, I'd want at least 900RMS watts a side and preferably 1200watts RMS, the amp has to be able to handle the peaks without clipping or you risk blowing tweeters. The TA2400 is only £40 more than the TA1400 and should give you a bit more in reserve.


The TA1400 is 1200W RMS into 8ohm (bridged). I'm using one per side.


Am I missing something here?

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given you've made your Amplifier choice, you will still need an LMS

have a look here:


I have one of the 2611's here which I'm well impressed with, certainly for the price.


For System EQ, the built in EQ within the DSP should enable you to have your system tuned flat in the 'out-doors' so as there are too many dual 27 band Graphics (your last item) to chose from then that may be more down to your remaining budget. Probably there will be plenty of suggestions from others!



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I've ordered all the kit now so no more suggestions please or it will make me feel bad :)


Gone for 2 x QSC RMX 2450s for the subs and 2 x T.Amp TA1400s for the mid-tops, all running in bridge mode.


That should give me 2400W RMS per side for my 1600W RMS / 3200W program subs and 1200W RMS per side for my 600W RMS / 1200W program mid-tops. Maybe a little low on the subs but the budget had to set in at some point.


Regard all

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I'd say you were underpowered for the tops, I'd want at least 900RMS watts a side and preferably 1200watts RMS, the amp has to be able to handle the peaks without clipping or you risk blowing tweeters. The TA2400 is only £40 more than the TA1400 and should give you a bit more in reserve.


The TA1400 is 1200W RMS into 8ohm (bridged). I'm using one per side.


Am I missing something here?


t'is a fair cop guv, you're right. note to self, must read more carefully before postinghttp://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif


I've ordered all the kit now so no more suggestions please or it will make me feel bad :)


Gone for 2 x QSC RMX 2450s for the subs and 2 x T.Amp TA1400s for the mid-tops, all running in bridge mode.


That should give me 2400W RMS per side for my 1600W RMS / 3200W program subs and 1200W RMS per side for my 600W RMS / 1200W program mid-tops. Maybe a little low on the subs but the budget had to set in at some point.


Regard all


I would say subs are a little more forgiving, the drivers are somewhat more robust than tweeters and you have plenty of themhttp://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif


BTW the Zed 428 is a lovely desk.

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lolz - Saying that, I've changed spec on my main amps from 2 x QSC RMX 2450s to 2 x EV q1212 (3600W bridged) for the subs on the recommendation of the guy who made the speakers.


That really is it now though as the rest of it has been dispatched :)

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