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Hog 4 how to call up a blank cue.

Richard CSL

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I have programmed many blank cues, I need to add some dimmer information then add fade times.


Can anybody tell me the process of recalling a blank cue then adding programming information so I can go through the list adding fade in and out times.


Is there a way of adding programming infor into all the cues in a list in one go?

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I have programmed many blank cues, I need to add some dimmer information then add fade times.


Can anybody tell me the process of recalling a blank cue then adding programming information so I can go through the list adding fade in and out times.


Do you mean how to edit a (blank) cue? I've not use the 4 (3 and 2 for me), but Load playback# / Q# usually puts the cue into the programmer, Update when you are finished. There are other ways of doing it too including just recording over the cue using Record.


Is there a way of adding programming infor into all the cues in a list in one go?


Tracking? Other than that, some consoles have a Copy @ type command or do a Copy # thru #, Merge/Replace etc. User Manual, if it does.


Edit to add: According to the online manual, cues are edited using Open. Don't expect I will be ever be using a Hog 4 so might not continue reading.... :)


(Oh, and apparently Load/Update doesn't seem big in the Hog 4 world. Have to say, a quick glance through the online manual leaves me cold. Anyone hazard stab for me as to what's so great about the software compared to the MAs, Martins, Titans, MQs of this world?)

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Hog 4 is essentially Hog 3 with new hardware and a face lift.


V2 starts to bring the new cool stuff but in its current form its still quite 3ish in my eyes.


You should be able to do RECORD MERGE LIST X CUE # THRU # ENTER if memory serves. I could be completely wrong in saying this, but it seems to ring a bell.


Once you understand the command line syntax you can do an awful lot with Hog 3/4. It's always been this way. Using the OPEN CUE or CUE CUE way of doing things is useful on a busy show as each cue you open is essentially its own editor which is a really nice way of working. Something I miss quite a lot on my desk.


The Hog manual is still one of the best written manuals out there. I highly recommend having a read if you plan on using the console regularly.



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Don't suppose you happened to write the manual for this console too? ;) :P


Haha!! Nope, Hog isn't one of mine! :)


I actually still have a written copy of the Hog 3 V2.4.0 manual that someone who has now left HES gave to me a few years ago. Hog 4 is an adaptation of that manual. Very clearly written, and well formatted too.



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