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PLI For Non European Resident


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Hey Guys,


Just wondering if any of you had contacts for companies who provide PLI to entertainment freelancers who are based outside of the UK ?


Got a couple of French and Dutch guys wanting to work for me, but haven't found any company that can supply, hoped you guys had some recommendations.


Edit: Have no idea why I titled it for non european.



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Bit confused. Anyone working in this country can be insured here by the usual suspects. If they are working overseas then they need to be insured in those territories. If they are "working for you" then your PLI/ELI should cover them.


Bit more detail needed I think.

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Bit of a misunderstanding here. Freelancers don't work for you they work with you according to their subcontract so they are not employees and if they were covered by the conpany PLI that would probably breach their freelance tax position. Having said that I don't understand the problem. Any EU citizen entitled to work in the Uk should be able to get Self Employed PLI in the normal way as long as they are suitably qualified.Several PLI suppliers have been listed on this site, I would speak to them. Finally, my PLI can be extended to cover other EU countries with no problem just by paying an additional premium. If theirs can't that might be a sign that they may not be fully freelance and might not have PLI in their home country.
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Just to clarify, this is for French and Dutch residents, that are working as part of a production team all over Europe, the usual suspects Doodsons and CrewCover, won't provide cover as they are not UK residents !





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Why do you wish to insure foreign nationals, working overseas in a freelance capacity in the UK? PLI and ELI are bound up with English law which will never apply to them.


Firstly if they are self-employed (no such word as freelance) they need to insure themselves.

Secondly if you need to insure them for contractual reasons they are no longer self-employed as far as UK law is concerned.


Are you sure that the parameter is "resident" and not "based in the UK"? There is a difference and if they were to be registered as self-employed with a UTR and the rest of it here that may sort the problems.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We are a UK company, using self-employed crew (UK residents, France residents, German Residents) - at a range of locations throughout Europe.


Some of the guys are struggling to find suppliers of PLI in their own countries (France) - so I thought I would check on here to see if anyone had suppliers/ insurers.



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Interesting. France seems much easier to negotiate than the UK. They have a Ministere de l'Industrie du Commerce et de l'Artisanat which also sorts things out for the SME and "auto entrepreneurs" of micro business. See here!


There shouldn't be any problem in them getting Responsabilite Civile (PLI) if they are genuinely self-employed.

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There should be no reason why your Self Employed French or German crew can't get local Public Liability Insurance cover, unless there is some personal history or fact which local Insurance Underwriters are wary of.......... and indeed you may not know about!


It may cost a few Euros in those territories, but c'est la vie!


UK Insurers will not Insure a foreign citizen EU or non-EU if they are not actually working in the UK, Previous Posters are right. UK Insurers issue policies based on English Law and jurisdiction (This can extend to a UK resident working abroad temporarily - time limits may apply).



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