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Lighting desk problem


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I have an avolites pearl expert with a few occurring problems in it. After it has been on for about half an hour the screen on the desk starts going blank, it also has a habit of freezing on me like when I would put up the faders and then go to put them down the lights don't go off. Also after I save a show and go to turn off the desk and I don't press the power button and enter on the keyboard it wipes the desk that when I power it back on I have to repatch the desk. Can anyone help me or does anyone know what is wrong with it.
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Your description of the LCD going blank suggests you have a hardware fault. You need to speak to Avolites service.


In the meantime check all internal connections. If they are all good I would investigate power supply. Make sure local supply is stable and producing the correct voltage - the easiest way to be sure is to run through a UPS. If it still faults via UPS then try replacing internal PSU - it is designed to use a standard PC supply so you should be able to source and fit easily.


Note that if you switch off the console at the back (or simply disconnect power) it will not be able to restore the show when you next start. It should prompt you about this and give you options to load a previous show or start again. Assuming you saved the show you just need to reload it. There is no need to repatch etc.


/edit: BTW, what do you mean by "enter on the keyboard"? If you press the power button on the front of the console this will immediately shut down the console correctly. There should be no prompts or requirement to press anything on the keyboard or console.

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thanks niclights, I will try that


But when I want to power off the desk, to do it safely I have to press the power button on the bottom left then pull out the keyboard on the bottom right of the desk and press the enter button on it. If I don't do that it clears the desk. But the only time I have to pull the power cable out of the back is when it freezes

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You should not have to press anything on the keyboard to shutdown. There must be a prompt that is telling you something is wrong (possibly related to all your other issues). What is it saying on the external display or wing after you press the power button on the front?


Also note that if there is a software problem you can restart it from the tools menu on the external display or wing. However, given your other symptoms I suspect the freezing is hardware related rather than software.


Are you running latest software (6.1 on standard, 6.2 on pro) and, assuming it originally had 5.0 on or earlier, were all the necessary updates performed when it was installed (in particular SSD firmware if relevant)?

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Hi Garethf951



Welcome to the forum Gareth. Its nice to see another all most local to me. If you were about this Friday after 7:30pm I would be willing to look at the desk for you and see if I can find whats wrong for you.





PS I even have a spare monitor if you need one

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  • 2 weeks later...

HI all,


I have had a look at the AVO Gareth was talking about. I have sorted out a few problem with it and I still think it has a fault with a part of it which I will explain.


The powering off problem was the way windows was set when the power button was pressed it was set to ask what you wanted to do and would not shut down with out pressing enter on the keyboard. Its now set to power off without press enter.


The screen problem was that the contrast was set to100% and was causing the screen to go white after a while. I have set the contrast to about 25% and brightness to about 60% and it seems to have stopped the screen from going white.


The fault I think the desk as is the buttons on the lower right ie pan/tile, colour, gobo, some time the led will not go out fully still half on and also the all the leds on both rows of button at the same place do a funny bit of flickering as well from time to time.


I have also checked all connections in side the desk and they are all plugged in ok and I have also checked the power supply and it is fine.

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I have seen the issue with the LCD going white before but never any problems with the program panel. However, you clearly do have one or more faults which are hardware related. You need to contact Avolites service and discuss this with them. I am also concerned about why you were being prompted on shutdown. This suggests someone has been messing with things they shouldn't and raises the question what else has been changed. As a matter of course I would run a full 6.0 recovery making sure all the relevant updates have been made as detailed in the v6 upgrade guide, then install 6.1 over the top and ensure all panel firmware is up-to-date. This will ensure the operating system and software are correct and remove them from the equation.
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It version 5 that on the desk at the min, can I just upgrade from 5 to 6.1 or do I need to go to 6 first and also can I just download it from Avolites.


I have also send Avolites a e-mail and waiting a reply from them to see what thay have to say.

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I can only think that 5 was not installed correctly then as there has never been a prompt to shut down as far as I can remember.


You install 6.0 first which is only available as a full recovery. You can then install 6.1 over the top as an installer. If you try to install 6.1 over 5.0 it will not work.


There is a detailed instruction guide available from this page which also contains a link to the download the recovery. The main Expert download page is here. If you haven't already you will need to register before you can download. These pages contain comprehensive details on how to update and what is required. The upgrade from 5 to 6 contains some important changes to hardware and firmware (depending on console type and age). It is vital you ensure all relevant steps are completed. Make sure you allow time for this procedure - preferably perform it during working hours so that you can contact Avo if you have any problems or questions. Also note that this and all future installs are via bootable Usb sticks. Some customers have had problems with certain sticks (this is a problem not unique to Avo). In this regard I recommend you avoid large sticks. I have found 4GB SanDisks work well.

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