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Phantom Opera - Chandelier


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Has anyone any experience of hiring a chandelier for Phantom of the Opera in the UK?



It needs to lift up from the floor to the ceiling in the first number and then crash to just above the floor at the end of act 1.




Thanks for any advice offered.





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You can't afford it

Read the script and production notes carefully!


It's a piece of serious engineering that needs to be custom fitted to your venue and only operated by trained experienced people - you're looking at thousands of pounds cost to hire (certainly that's what the american ones cost) and the effect will be poor at best. Use the script and notes as your jump-off point and try to come up with your own unique way to create the theatrical illusion of a chandelier crashing to the ground without actually dropping (and trying to safely stop) a real one.


A little tip, darkness is your friend and less is usually more...

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Get the DVD for the 25th anniversary performance at the Albert Hall and see what we did there.


Although we moved the chandelier, we never dropped it. Even with the production budget available on such a major show, the engineering required to cause it to drop over the audience was too great.

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You can't afford it


Certainly not on a schools production!


And I would seriously doubt you have anywhere near the expertise/experience at a school space to even consider moving anything like this over the audience.



Oh - and note that even the pro tour no longer 'drops' the chandelier. It's lowered in slowly.

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