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Show Cue System Software

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I have just found Show Cue System

Has anyone every used this software before?

Sorry if this is a repost,

I am looking for software that basically is Qlab on windows

I need, midi, video, sound, image & DMX (maybe)

If anyone has any more infomation about the software would be good


I have read the website which is in good detail but need first hand experience,

The demo seems to do the trick though!

I have also looked at the software from austrailia (cant remember its name)

But as reported to the devolpers there seems to be a problem with mp3 on windows 7 on it


Any help most appreciated


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Yes, we use SCS at our theatre, having previously used SFX. We've been very happy with it apart from one minor problem (which we worked around) of a sound cue that was set to loop forever until stopped by a cue actually stopped looping after about an hour of its own accord, but not always. We'll be following that one up with the develpers. Other than that, it's been easy to use, mixing sound and video cues and effects with remote control of the mixer and lighting board via midi (something that SFX sometimes failed to do) .


We don't use it to directly interface via DMX, though.

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As a user of version 10 I found it very easy to use and set up complex cue stacks with both video and audio cues. Mike Daniell who owns SCS also gives exceptional customer support. I requested a new feature at 10pm one evening and by 9am the next morning he had e-mailed me a new version.
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We don't use it to directly interface via DMX, though.


The software I want it to work with would be daslight (on another computer) so would this work? (via midi?)


As a user of version 10 I found it very easy to use and set up complex cue stacks with both video and audio cues. Mike Daniell who owns SCS also gives exceptional customer support. I requested a new feature at 10pm one evening and by 9am the next morning he had e-mailed me a new version.


SCS seems the way to go then!

What level do you recommend buying?



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+1 on service Mike has been great.


As for level to get. depends on what you want really. I think it is only the top 2 levels that have DMX on them, + also depends on how many cues etc you are planning on running.

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The software I want it to work with would be daslight (on another computer) so would this work? (via midi?)


What do you want to achieve with DMX?


We control the lighting desk with SCS, by sending it Midi Show Control to tell it which cue to run next - the desk generates the DMX, though. Not having used DASlight, I don't know but would have thought that it can be cued via MSC.


Similarly, we use MSC to load snapshots in the mixer.




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The software I want it to work with would be daslight (on another computer) so would this work? (via midi?)


What do you want to achieve with DMX?


We control the lighting desk with SCS, by sending it Midi Show Control to tell it which cue to run next - the desk generates the DMX, though. Not having used DASlight, I don't know but would have thought that it can be cued via MSC.


Similarly, we use MSC to load snapshots in the mixer.

I Was looking at this with a friend, you can also work the other way and run the LX desk as the SCS op.

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I bought the basic licence. It was used to run in 20 video clips on a show last week. It worked really well. The only trouble I had was pining down what exact type of video format to use. Sadly I edited footage on Mac and FCP and output as MOVS. There was no way the group were having the MAC for a week so I used the software on my fairly powerful Dell laptop and therefor had to convert to MPG to run the clips. I know someone who has used the sound side a lot and it works very well
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I've been using SCS since it first appeared as Sound Cue System, and also introduced it to our two local theatres (It's great to be able to prep the whole show at home and take it on a USB stick!). I'm currently using it for a production of Return to the Forbidden Planet. It's excellent, and as others have said, when there is a glitch, Mike Daniels' support is second to none. I've got the Professional licence.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am a great fan of SCS; the pricing is very reasonable, and as others have said, the customer support is superb. As someone who remembers lugging Revox B77s up and down ladders, it is a joy every time I boot it up. I'd like it even more if it had a projection mapping function!


I'm also impressed by FX Live for iPads which is a bargain at £6.99.

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We use SCS 11 at our theatre and it has been well worth the moderate investment cost. Typically it is used for audio cueing but this year we have had up to three projectors running off it displaying static and avi files while still running the audio cues. This is running on an i5 with 12GB ram and 2 dual head pci-e graphics cards.

The only hiccup has been the one mentioned by alistermorton above i.e. occasionally a large looped audio file can fail.

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