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kerry davies

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Guardian report that InternAware, of which I was completely unaware, has passed the first 100 firms to the government who have passed them on to HMRC to chase up.

More from Sky News


At the end of the video the revelation that 26,000 "interns" have recouped £4m through HMRC action and presumably we taxpayers have gained the tax and NIC from those firms is reassuring.

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  • 4 months later...

Timing, Brian, timing.

Today it was revealed that job agencies such as Monster and others have asked the government to legislate on the advertising of unpaid internships to protect them from HMRC action.


The fragrant (or is it flagrant) Deputy PM, Nick Clegg, has turned them down saying;

it could actually force companies to stop advertising these valuable opportunities

The burning question being; valuable to whom? They really don't get it.

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