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wireless speakers


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I have a client that has the need for a pair of wirelss speaker to supplement their existing PA system as they space they are occpying is growing by the week (its a construction site)


They basically use it once a week to address the workforce, which grows in size with the construction project.



Are their any decent ones available? Budget is not really an issue,

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I don't think anyone's going to give you an answer based on what you've provided there. There's quite a few questions that are going to need answering before you get anything specific.


I'm sure others will ask more, but I reckon a good starting point would be:


  • Battery or mains powered?
  • Do they need to be left out in all weathers, live in dusty conditions, or will they have a somewhat easier life?
  • What size area do they need to cover? Will they need to compete with high levels of ambient noise, or are there designated times that everyone stops doing what they're doing to join in with the two minutes hate? (or whatever your client's up to)
  • Are they going to be a long way away from the transmitter? Will they have direct line of sight, or is there going to be a lot of other stuff in the way?


I'd also be inclined to ask if there's an easier way; rather than get all fancy with wireless solutions, if this is very much a one-way thing, could it not be burned to CD and sent out to different areas to be played to the workforce?

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Is this in steel-walled site office cabins or shipping containers?


Would analogue audio, or IP, over mains distribution be possible? Telephone hybrid? Telephone hybrid off a premicell? Modulated LED or laser beam?


Do they have a private mobile business radio licence? - which isn't supposed to be used for public address or broadcasting, but that doesn't stop mosques or the police using PMBR for broadcasting.



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JBL make a wireless version of their small PA speakers called the control 2.4g.

They are around £150 a pair but will need a mains feed, only 15 watts per speaker but two pairs should be enough for a small speech and AV based PA system.

It may well be that a wired installation may be an easier and more low cost option with cables run through a ceiling or tacked at the top of the wall?

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I think I'd be looking at 100V line, and small horns. Ideal for speech, not expensive, weatherproof, easy to install, and very expandable. I was at Snetterton for some racing last weekend, and the PA there is exactly this, with maybe 100 horns? works really well.
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I don't think anyone's going to give you an answer based on what you've provided there. There's quite a few questions that are going to need answering before you get anything specific.


I'm sure others will ask more, but I reckon a good starting point would be:


  • Battery or mains powered?
  • Do they need to be left out in all weathers, live in dusty conditions, or will they have a somewhat easier life?
  • What size area do they need to cover? Will they need to compete with high levels of ambient noise, or are there designated times that everyone stops doing what they're doing to join in with the two minutes hate? (or whatever your client's up to)
  • Are they going to be a long way away from the transmitter? Will they have direct line of sight, or is there going to be a lot of other stuff in the way?


I'd also be inclined to ask if there's an easier way; rather than get all fancy with wireless solutions, if this is very much a one-way thing, could it not be burned to CD and sent out to different areas to be played to the workforce?


Thankd for the response:-




Mains power will be fine


Area is probably (im guessing here) 40m x 20m


They will have an easy life (inddoors and not dusty)


They will be the opposite end of the room to the TX, so say 40m


line of site could be direct


They have said he system needs to be portable and needs to go in diffeent places every time, hence the wirless option

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