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I'd say fake it. Even the big shows often do that. Monitoring the sound level alone can be messed up by family and friends getting "loud" in a sustained manner.


As for the audience polling. You'd be surprised how many shows show a close up of someone with a fake voting button and then take a show of hands or cards in a break before continuing with a suitable graphic.

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We had a marketing department asking for a device that would trigger the "reveal" when the audience shouted loud and long enough. We tried explaining that just one person shouting close to the mic could set it off prematurely - but they were oblivious to the the technical problems.


We faked it of course (and dramatic style) but got a slap on the back for our 'technical prowess'...!

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Most of the ones used on TV in the 70's and 80's I think were faked, actually come to think of it most of the current voting is rigged too but collectively people get to pay loads to the TV company for their vote!http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif
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I have a piece of software that measures the audio input to a computer, and displays it in a VU style meter on a full screen output, you can move the meter around, change colours, backgrounds, etc to suit the needs. There is also a hold option and a numeric output, pretty nifty piece of software. Chuck it up on a big screen and you're sorted. I am finishing it off for my other half to use at her holiday park so the audience can cheer for the winning team, game show style. The other option has pretty much been covered, massive arrow on a point that a stage hand wiggles!!



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The real problem with the real devices is that an older appeal act v younger appeal act always produces the young one as the winner because younger people whoop. God knows when this dreadful affliction actually started, but whooping at mediocre friends produces LOTS of level - much higher than even enthusiastic clapping ever does, because all the energy is in the speech band, and clapping isn't! So if you want genuine accurate results, you have to fake it and use your brain. Any attempt at technology fails because you would need to band split, measure, analyse and then combine after adjustment for interference to the 'norm'.


I was on a panel of judges at a public event once, as the chairman - and had two stupid judges who kept giving 9 to ones they liked and 2 to ones they didn't, which screwed the voting system - or at least it did until I colluded with the other judge to counteract their votes, because obviously my opinion was better than theirs. It worked, and the local dreadful band came 3rd, not 1st - however, we had to do a runner before then end, fearing for slashed tyres in the car park!

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Must remember that if there's a show with a real clap-o-meter on it then I'll take a couple of air horns and maybe detonate a large maroon to sway the vote.

It was all so much more civilised in the 70's with Hughie Green.

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