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Need help with this


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Take another pic, that is actually in focus. its not to hard to hold a iPhone in one hand, and hold stuff in the other, and still end up with decent pics.


Looks vaguely like some kind of Rope light, or LED flexible strip stuff. Bit thats a very vague guess, unless a better picture is provided.

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This project is a repair for a nightclub, At first thought the nightclub believed they were fiber optics, but these lights resemble LED strip lighting in a clear tube based on them having butt connectors in-line. These strips were input into the granite bar counter top so removing them is replacing the counter top.


The nightclub was broken into and all the power sources and controllers were stolen, which leaves no other solution but to take a guess at identifying a method on controlling/powering.



musht - what you pointed out is the closet thing I have seen to it... Any idea on powering/controlling it?



Another shot of it..

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Can't you talk to the people who installed the granite bar top? Failing that you need to determine if the LED strips are common anode or common cathode, and if the LEDs require constant voltage or constant current to drive them.


Have a really close look at the strips. If you can see resistors at regular intervals then the strip requires a constant voltage driver. In my experience this is the most common type for long runs of LED tape.


Assuming your tape requires constant voltage we now need to determine whether its common anode (one voltage input, and three 'grounds' or neutrals - one for each LED colour), or common cathode (three voltage inputs - one for each LED color, and one 'ground' or neutral). I'm assuming here that your tape is RGB? It looks like it as there are four wires attached to one end of it. Are those wires are labelled? If they are that would save a lot of hassle. If they aren't then you'll have to use a multi-meter to test continuity between all of those wires to determine which ones are the LEDs and which one is the common voltage or neutral. Remember that LEDs will only show continuity in one direction, so check continuity for each pair of wires in both directions.


Once you've figured out which wire is which, and if the strips are common anode or cathode, you now need to figure out the supply voltage (I'm still assuming that the strips require constant voltage - if they don't then I don't know what to suggest without more information). The only way to do that without risking damage to the strips is to find out exactly what the make/model of the strip is and work from there. Otherwise you'll have to apply a DC voltage and see what happens. Start low and work up until the strips look as bright as they used to. Common voltages for LED strips are 12 or 24 volts DC, but start low because over-volting LEDs will kill them.


Now that you know the type and voltage of the strips, you just need to find the controllers that fit your findings (common anode/cathode, voltage) and your requirements (DMX control/ standalone operation/ etc.) Hope this helps


Edit: Just seen the new photo. Five wires with four going off in one direction, and the other appearing to go somewhere else? Thats odd, unless the strips are common anode (one voltage input...). That fifth wire might be a common power bus.

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There are no markings on the lights, I do believe from your posting that they are:



Constant voltage

Common Cathode


The bar worker described that the install before had 2 boxes installed (where these 2 pics were taken), I am guessing that would have been a power suppy/converter, controller, and dimmer.





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Looks like 4 reds and a centre black, 4 circuits and a common,5 wire.


Assuming its LED, common Anode (+) is a lot,lot more common,than common Cathode (-).


Unless it`s a chasing single colour, 4 circuits will be RGB with White or Amber.


Do get line voltage variants but mention of 2 boxes does sound like PSU and low voltage controller.


Try a reasonably hefty 12V D.C. wallwart on the end connections, if its really dim it may be 24v rope.


Usual cautions about taking free advice from random geezer on the internet.

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