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Need a Right angle F-XLR


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I've a feeling this may not exist, but hope somebody knows better!


I can find several where the cable exit is on the opposite side to the latch, but I need one that goes the other way. Neutrik's one goes through 180o from left to right in 45o steps, but will not go the way I want.


I know the latch will be very difficult to get at, but once plugged in, I hope to not need to remove it for several years!


This is just an ordinary 3 pin by the way.


Any ideas?

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30 seconds work with a file!


Have a look inside the body part. The only thing that stops it going a full 360 is that the locating slot is too narrow to take the lug on the connector part. Just make it bigger.

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Just be aware that the Neutrik connector is wide (If you have not used them before). I have been caught out when attempting to mount several side by side.

Might be an idea to remove the locking latch if it is going to be difficult to get at if it is possible to do without it.

Alternatively look at moving the chassis socket. Sod's law says if you know something will be difficult to get out once installed, out it will have to come and often repeatedly.

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Ahh - hang on a minute..


Am I looking at the new sort:http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h59/markpaman/121b2f37-3932-4c23-88d1-b607dafc1475_zpsf2939d40.jpg

or the old sort? http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h59/markpaman/FXLR1_zpsc450d437.jpg


The old ones don't seem to be made any more, and as Bazz said are probably too wide.

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The new ones - *much* nicer than the old ones. Lighter, narrower, and no screws to fall out. Like most things Neutrik, they just work. Shame they're quite so pricey from most places, though I doubt you'll get them cheaper than CPC at retail prices - especially with the WEBFREE offer - though get in there quickly!


While we're on the subject of Neutriks - Studiospares have a sale on for common Neutrik jacks & XLRs. It runs out at 9am tomorrow (Tue 26 Feb), but the prices beat *any* other prices I've seen (don't include things like the right angled plugs, mind) - though you do need to pay a £4 plus VAT delivery charge unless you can collect from their trade counter (Brent Cross).

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OK - to report back.


A minute or two with a Dremel will make the notch needed to turn the new version through 180o.


In this position, the catch is pushed in by the body of the plug, so it will not lock which may or may not be a good thing. The plastic locking clip is not held in place by the body of the plug, so it could get pulled or knocked out but I feel this is unlikely.


Overall, I'd not be happy with this for something that is plugged in and out every day, but it will be fine in a rack.

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