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MagicQ chase programming


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Evening all,


I'm trying to achieve something in MagicQ and can't see a way to do it. Let's say, for this example, that I have six LED PARs, which are used throughout my show. I then want to run a colour chase over the top of them, which flashes various combinations of them to white before returning them to their original colour.


So, what I'd like to program is a chase where step 1 changes the colour of a fixture to white, step 2 changes the colour of another fixture to white and 'releases' the first fixture, step 3...etc. But I can't find any way to do the 'releasing' bit without explicitly telling the fixture to go back to its original colour (which means having tens of versions of this one chase, for every cue where the fixtures are different original colours) - currently I just (unsurprisingly) eventually end up with six fixtures all white.


Is there an elegant way to do this, or am I going to have to accept having to have tens of versions of efectively the same chase? I'm guessing there isn't, but...?

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Converting to an effect works - although presumably once converted I lose the flexibility of it being a chase (namely being able to tweak the colour by updating the colour palette it references)? I don't understand how firing it from a cue stack macro would help though?
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Off the top of my head and without looking at this in depth, can you not build releases into the chase stack and then run a concurrent "holding" cue to be released back into? That or run the holding cue (white), a colour cue then overlay a chase of macros that activates and releases whichever colour cue in the stack is running. Depending on how you want it, you might need to keep the timing synced.


That's 3 things, plus additional programming for other colour cues.


Just a thought. Not tried it. Some thought over LTP, tracking and priority might be required. But I'm sure the basic principle would give you a starting point.

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  • 9 months later...


I've been trying to do the same thing, and although changing the chase to an effect worked colour-wise, it dimmed all the lights to around 50%. I'm very new to Magicq, so sorry if this is something simple! What exact options do you need for this to work when converting it to an effect?

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