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Six Channel Theatre Sound System

Don Allen

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I would like to automate the sound system for the Garrick Theatre Club in Guildford, Western Australia in a similar concept to how we have set up the lighting, which is done with an LSC 48/96 Maxim desk, so the show is recorded and played back as a stack. Some shows see the audio operator resembling an octopus with hardley enough time between cues to change discs and reset levels.


We would like to set the output levels to the three stereo amps used for stage rear, stage front, auditorium rear so the sound can be played from a locations that helps the audience get an idea of origin of sounds, preferable panning to allow the cars to drive across the back of the set.


Currently they have an interM MX1424A small 12 input stereo mixer with main stereo output, an American Audio MCD-510 dual cd player, four stereo amps for stage rear, stage front, auditorium rear and foyer.


We were tempted by the Behringer X32 as it can play back levels in a stack arrangement, but does not appear to be able to trigger sfx and music. The motorised faders give the operator an idea of playback levels.


There are computers with 5+1 sound systems that can output six channels, but it is easier for community theatre volunteers to use a desk.


All suggestions welcome. There is a verbal budget of around $5000 as they were happy to buy an X32 if that would do the job.




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Is something like Show Cue System on a computer really not going to be easier? Once it's programmed, all you have to do is hit the spacebar on cue and it will do everything - level changes, crossfades, whatever you need it to. In my last job we used it extensively (and they still do) to run all pre-recorded sound and it worked beautifully. No more writing down levels and having to crossfade them yourself - just set it all in the plot and away you go.
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Indeedy, any of the decent PC or Mac sound playback packages will do this job.


5.1 is is not what you want, you want several discreet outputs, so effective six separate output, each to one of your amplifier inputs. This puts an additional wiggle on the hardware; you want a single piece of hardware with enough outputs, otherwise you end up wit all sorts of clocking problems.


The X32 doesn't have a "stack" in the sense that a light desk has; it has memories which correspond to what lighting people might call a state, look, preset or memory, and you can step through these states. But it's not anything like as flexible and capable as the lighting desk cue stacks are.

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Hi Don. Have a look at the new Roland M200i or M300 using the matrix buses to control the outputs and MIDI to trigger FX. Very powerful and super compact with Scene memories too.

In the interests of full disclosure, were you going to get around to mentioning that you work for Roland? Covert advertising isn't welcome on the Blue Room, if you represent a commercial interest then you're welcome to suggest the product, just not covertly.


Also, what good is "triggering FX via MIDI" when the OP is currently playing back off CD... you might wish to suggest something for them to use to playback... like Qlab or SCS or Multiplay.




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I'd highly recommend Show Cue System for this too - I've been using it for years, mostly for stereo play back but occasionally with spot effects in different places or with surround speakers. As Gridgirl says, everything can be programmed in to it so it's very easy for operators to use.
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As an X32 owner, I too would suggest something like Qlab - or SFX - BUT with a live audience, you still need the mixer and operator to manage the show to show differences. In a museum or fixed display, you could run everything automatically - as you'd do with the lighting, but I assume you want the operator to be able to tweak levels and timing while making what happens preset - so the next cue would be a car horn upstage right, then the sound of the car moving from right to left, that kind of thing? If so - a computer based playback with multiple outputs is as said above - ideal. You'd just buy the computer, a sound device with sufficient outputs and you are done - each one goes to a mixer of your choice that has enough outputs to cover the discreet amp/speakers you wish to plant around the place. Best thing is something like this can provide all your sound effects for future shows - and with a few extra add ons, even video playback!
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I'd highly recommend Show Cue System for this too - I've been using it for years, mostly for stereo play back but occasionally with spot effects in different places or with surround speakers. As Gridgirl says, everything can be programmed in to it so it's very easy for operators to use.


+1 for SCS - we recently changed from SFX to SCS and use it or sound, video and lighting desk control. Works very well for us.

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Another vote for SCS, running sound, video and triggering LX cues for synchronising of effects.


On our next production I'm taking the plunge and running the outputs from the M-Audio box straight into the power amps - no need for a mixer! I'm patching a graphic in for FOH but for the on-stage and auditorium rears it will be "flat" as I've rarely had a need to apply EQ to those channels in the past.

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Hello Richard P-W is the M-AUDIO you refer to the M-Audio ProFire 610 6 in 10 out FireWire audio interface ?


Thanks to everyone for the Show Cue System, it seems to fit the bill and thanks dbuckly for explaining the X32's scenes for me.


I used audacity for a show last year and found it easy to use. SCS seems to do all of that and more so I will have to try the demo now.

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I'll pitch another vote for SCS. However, I'm still struggling with 6 outputs from mine. It worked for a while, then stopped. Still outputs CH1&2, but for the life of me I can't get the others working. I don't think it is an SCS fault, more likely Windoze objecting to the sound card. (Don't ask, I've forgotten what the card is!)
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The way you select the card / outputs isn't always as clear as it might be, depending on how your drivers are set up. I've outputted six tracks over ADAT happily before and suspect it would manage eight that way without complaint.

I often see some multichannel outputs listed as "emulated" - some trial and error is sometimes necessary to work out which driver works properly. I believe it's a windows thing.

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I have just op'd for panto in Poole.

The MD was using my Presonus 6 output sound card from his PC (via firewire) with SCS for all the track stuff

Track and FX in stereo, backing vocal in stereo and a click out (OK that's 5 outs) and it never missed a beat in the 48 shows we did + rehearsals


I'll pitch another vote for SCS. However, I'm still struggling with 6 outputs from mine. It worked for a while, then stopped. Still outputs CH1&2, but for the life of me I can't get the others working. I don't think it is an SCS fault, more likely Windoze objecting to the sound card. (Don't ask, I've forgotten what the card is!)




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