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Sirius 24 issues


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Hi all,I'm new to the forum so Hello!

I've recently inherited a Sirius 24 and upon turning it on, it just displays random garbage on the memory displays and all preview lights are on etc.Does this mean the battery is dead?

Just wanted to check before taking it apart etc.

Thanks guys!

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I've recently inherited a Sirius 24 and upon turning it on, it just displays random garbage on the memory displays and all preview lights are on etc.Does this mean the battery is dead?


The preview ights being on is a good indication of a dead battery, but all the displays being corrupted (not just the memory contents) makes me suspect this has worse problems. The battery is however the corect starting point to troubleshoot. A very old battery may very well have leaked and corroded some tracks on the mainboard. Normally I'd suggest leaving the board on for a few hours to recharge a dead battery but in this state it may make matters worse.

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Yeah - dirkenstein seems to have hit the nail on the head, it's the battery and your desk needs to be put in very close proximity to someone used to repairing Sirius's as soon as you can.


It might well be repairable if the battery has leaked and started to do some damage, depending on the extent of the damage it might be possible to patch the PCB or if you found somewhere (possibly in Birmingham :P ) that has spare processor cards, they might do a nice deal in price.

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All the preview leds being on with nothing in the memory and all faders down could also be "level match" if moving a fader causes the corresponding led to flash level match is on,hitting preview and blind (I think) removes it ,however dont think it stays set after a restart
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Might be worth having the spares or repair one to get boards out of.

I would have dearly wanted one of those mainboards about a year ago, to replace the corroded one I got in an eBay spares-or-repair special bargain pile a few years ago- all in the skip or the spare parts bin now. Leaky battery + seaside shed storage does not do wonders for multilayer PCB tracks. I recommend you take up the offer if you have any need to keep one of these things running- the mainboard has a number of critical components that are now deeply obsolecent. So utterly obsolescent that the last few Sirius 24/48 boards manufactured already used little DIP plug-in boards with lash-up replacements (pic + i2c dac for the original Ferranti dac) to replace the unavailable components.


I also have a working Sirius 24 and a 48 that don't come out of storage enough to warrant keeping around much longer. PM me if interested.

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1352890660[/url]' post='457171']
1352735187[/url]' post='456966']

Might be worth having the spares or repair one to get boards out of.

I would have dearly wanted one of those mainboards about a year ago, to replace the corroded one I got in an eBay spares-or-repair special bargain pile a few years ago- all in the skip or the spare parts bin now. Leaky battery + seaside shed storage does not do wonders for multilayer PCB tracks. I recommend you take up the offer if you have any need to keep one of these things running- the mainboard has a number of critical components that are now deeply obsolecent. So utterly obsolescent that the last few Sirius 24/48 boards manufactured already used little DIP plug-in boards with lash-up replacements (pic + i2c dac for the original Ferranti dac) to replace the unavailable components.


I also have a working Sirius 24 and a 48 that don't come out of storage enough to warrant keeping around much longer. PM me if interested.

Pm sent..




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