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what is important to you when you select what digital desk you are gon


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what is important to you when you select what digital desk you are gonna use on your live music event and why do you chose that desk. Is it because you find that desk simple or because you can do things quicker on that desk.



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Ease of use and workflow - if I have to go through umpteen menus to get somewhere I'm not happy. Having all the GEQS, PEQs, effects, ins and outs that I'll need for the event without having to sacrifice mics or use "flexi graphics". Having VCAs. Also being able to edit the effects while live is a big must for me.


While I appreciate everyone has their own way of working through a desk, for me, the closer to the analogue world in terms of routing/ layout a digital desk is, the better for me and the faster I work.

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Hi, James,


Is this a coursework question by any chance?!


Even if it is, let me suggest (not particularly in order): a) the desk that does the job b) the desk that the customer is happy with (should they express a preference) and c) the desk that will make me money.




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Ease of use and workflow - if I have to go through umpteen menus to get somewhere I'm not happy. Having all the GEQS, PEQs, effects, ins and outs that I'll need for the event without having to sacrifice mics or use "flexi graphics". Having VCAs. Also being able to edit the effects while live is a big must for me.


While I appreciate everyone has their own way of working through a desk, for me, the closer to the analogue world in terms of routing/ layout a digital desk is, the better for me and the faster I work.



DCA's surely?


In answer to the OP comes down to 2 things really, are there enough inputs for the job and can I work it ?

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Ease of use and workflow - if I have to go through umpteen menus to get somewhere I'm not happy. Having all the GEQS, PEQs, effects, ins and outs that I'll need for the event without having to sacrifice mics or use "flexi graphics". Having VCAs. Also being able to edit the effects while live is a big must for me.


While I appreciate everyone has their own way of working through a desk, for me, the closer to the analogue world in terms of routing/ layout a digital desk is, the better for me and the faster I work.



DCA's surely?


In answer to the OP comes down to 2 things really, are there enough inputs for the job and can I work it ?


If you want to be 100% technical, then yes, DCAs, but at the end of the day I only know of Yamaha labelling "VCAs" on their digital desk as DCAs, all the others I've used have had them labelled up as VCAs.

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Ease of use.


Between the major manufactures I dont think the difference in sound quality is noticable over most pa systems without a direct AB comparison, which your not doing during your show.


So its all about can I do what I need to do, in a way I can find easily,

and also how much information can the desk give me in a way I can digest.


Ideally I want to be thinking about the music (if im doing foh) or keeping the band happy (if im doing monitors), or both (if im doing monitors from foh). If I start feeling an effect will enhance this section of music if I have to navigate through several menus that have drawn my attention away from the band then the moods passed (this is my main problem with Digidesign).

Personally I love the Vi range, I found it very intuitive to use, you can see pretty much everything on the screens, and the positioning of that information means you can look over the desk at the band, keep eye contact with them whilst knowing whats going on in your peripheral. Where as with a profile the bassist gives you a little signal about his monitors, you imediatly look down to find a mouse, then lean over to a screen off to the side and go into menus and he's left wondering if you noticed him.


Currently desk preference (of the things I use regularly):

Monitors: Vi6/Vi1 (depending on input count) >> PM5D-RH >> Pro2 >> M7CL >> LS9


FOH Vi >> Pro2 >> PM5 >> M7CL




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it depends what you want from it.

if your happy to lose any analogue feel at all and really embrace the digital thing, then I can only recomend a profile.

probably my favourite console, there are better sounding - yes. but the workflow is ideal for me, the patching and routing is awesome and it has VCA/DCA's (dont start).

I think ive used just about every console out there now, and thats my fav by a mile.


if the M7CL had 4 racks and good A/D converters, it would be my favourite board, im sure im not alone in saying that, as its workflow is EASY as anything, I can work on one quicker and smoother than most.


MIDAS PRO also a great option, for sound - but navigation for me is poor, and the effects are absolute dog s***, apparently on version 2 software this has been drastically improved but im yet to use.


to summarise, if the effects are good, it has VCA's, you can access everything in a click or two and it doesnt cost the world or sound like s***- you have a good board.




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After the obvious I/o requirements, I think that the workflow is the key. I want things to be where I think they should be.


Given a completely free choice I'd always go for a Digico board first, then a Vi. There's something about the way they've been designed that just "clicks" with me. I don't have to think about using them, I can just get on with mixing the show.


Sound quality is at the bottom of the list. They all sound good nowadays.

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Hi, James,


Is this a coursework question by any chance?!


Even if it is, let me suggest (not particularly in order): a) the desk that does the job b) the desk that the customer is happy with (should they express a preference) and c) the desk that will make me money.





Hi this is for my disitation



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