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LED strobe?


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So yeah, them upstairs want a strobe. I don't want a strobe for many reasons.


But does anyone know of a good white LED strobe? Cheap and bright are the priorities, in that order.


Sorry, just found a very useful similar thread so please feel free to ignore/delete this post!

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It's not an amazing help, but there was a product from sgm I saw at plasa! Very very bright!

Have a lookout their website, but I imagine some one else will post what it actually was!

It was on the AC lighting stand. A fair few of them rigged on a vertical truss facing the rubber box stand! It annoyed me for the two days I was rigging there!

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It was on the AC lighting stand. A fair few of them rigged on a vertical truss facing the rubber box stand! It annoyed me for the two days I was rigging there!

I take your 2 days rigging and raise you 2 days rigging + the 4 days of the show.

I've recently made a profile for a customer for an ADJ LED strobe about which he's very excited. Never seen it in the flesh, but he's very confident it's good.

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I had the 111 on Freeze last year and loved them! Shame it was only white, but so god damn fast on movement and strobing! They've deffinately forgotten them though!


And Modge I'll raise you more! Last year was 3 days rig, 4 days show and 2 days out! Not as long as our HSL friends though! This year I was on jobs so only loaded in and had one day of show though! Still, two nights were spent very drunk :/

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