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Backline Organ Hire


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Hi guys,

Just had an odd request for help put my way which is outside my area of expertise.

Does anyone know of a good backline supplier to try to obtain a "Conn Theatre Organ"?

Preferably in the Bristol area but I am thinking this may be the time to not be picky...

Any help would be appreciated.



P.S here is a link to it... It looks pretty awesome :)

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Valve organs of that vintage just don't travel, GBH. Anyone who has a Conn or Wurlitzer is going to allow you to look at it, but only trusted virtuoso's get to play them and as for ripping it out of situ and transporting it I have serious doubts.


There aren't that many Hammond B3's for hire and that might be the best you can do.


You could try ringing round church organ people to see what is available that might be similar. Try here.

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As presenter, performer, one one time dealer in organs, Nigel Ogden (and team) would be my first contact. If there is one for hire, it's almost certain that he will know the owner and the instrument. As these are now as rare and fragile as pre WWI cars, it's going to have to be a major ego trip for some owner to move his treasured possession as far as a stage. If it involves beer with Rick Wakeman (or other megastar) than it MAY happen.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Interesting followup to this one.


I passed on the info to the venue and turns out they didn't need it.... because they had already bought one! I don't know if it was working, or just a shell they put a keyboard in but I really want to find out!


I did get a call about it the other day, just briefly...

Which brings me onto another question. Who wants to buy a "Conn Theatre Organ"? :)

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