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Do Stage Crew Get Enough Credit?


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Not at all, I get very upset when I'm not credited in big bold letters as 'mark_s - Electrician, absolutely essential to the production happening at all' on all promotional material...




Maybe you should tell us your thoughts and start a meaningful discussion before we start completing your assignment for you? Although I'm fairly sure I know exactly what everyone is going to say already.

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I saw Jersey Boys last week and in the bows a woman came out wearing cans to take a bow. I commented to my friend that it was refreshing to see the stage manager taking a bow on behalf of the crew. It was only on the way out that we realised she was the musical director!


Seriously though. I mainly live out Front Of House. Do I mind that everyone files out past me without so much as a nod? Not at all. Is it nice when someone leans over and says it sounded great? Of course (though I do wonder what I did wrong! I don't like being noticed as a noiseboy!). Ultimately though the praise I'm looking for might come from a pleased director or MD occasionally, if they don't have anything to say though, then it means they've no notes for me and I'll submit the bill and get my reward that way!

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I think that sums it up rather well. I have never collected programmes, or been interested in credit of any kind. However - for three years running, I did get two programme credits, one of which I have kept to use.


Choreographer: Paul Johnson


Paul HARRISON was so miffed, but when I used to go to schools and colleges and got some angry woman complaining they'd been sent a man who didn't know anything about dance, I have been known to take a programme or two out of my case and find a reason to refer to it, leaving it open on the page with the mistake. They usually shut up then!



I hate those productions were a load of scruffy people get dragged on - the worst one ever must be We Will Rock You, where the musicians look like the scruffiest people ever - dirty trainers, greasy hair and shaving defects, and can't even manage a bow in time.


As everyone says, if we wanted credit, we'd be out there in the light, not doing what we do.

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I do mainly sound and, years ago, I was told "if you're doing the sound right nobody will notice it". That probably applies to most aspects of the technical crew. We're not there to be noticed.


As others have said, the pay cheque at the end of the run is recognition enough--and, if other technicians happen to say they liked something, that's a bonus.

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In some parts of the world it is not uncommon for the cast to acknowledge the crew during the curtain call by gesturing to the box, much in the same way they often acknowledge the band in the pit. It's a nice touch in the right circumstances but on the whole I agree that technicians get sufficient credit.
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In some parts of the world it is not uncommon for the cast to acknowledge the crew during the curtain call by gesturing to the box, much in the same way they often acknowledge the band in the pit. It's a nice touch in the right circumstances but on the whole I agree that technicians get sufficient credit.


See, I hate hate hate the cast gesturing to the box, don't know why but I do! For our Opera on Sydney Harbour the orchestra and crew got brought onto the stage (crew in hi-vis vests and orchestra with a few "stunt" instruments) and I didn't have an issue with that. Very unusual circumstances though, and 99% of the time I don't think an acknowledgment is necessary.

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Public acknowledgement - no thanks. As already said, if I wanted praise I'd be treading the boards, not painting them.


However I do appreciate it in the middle of the out when the cast pop in for a "Thanks very much" before disappearing. Yes I get paid to make them look / sound good, but a little bit of common courtesy goes a long way!


I appreciate it even more when the "Thanks" is followed by "Beers in the fridge".... :** laughs out loud **:

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