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Gauze Reveal


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Yup, another one of these topics! I've been searching around these forums and got some ideas but none of the threads with the same topic seemed to be quite what I was after.


I'm trying to find out whether this would work or not if anybody has experience in it. Whilst I haven't actually used/lit a gauze for a transformation/reveal before, I have a general knowledge idea of how its supposed to work.


I'm thinking of having a wooden flat, about 2.5m x 2m in size with a 2x2ft window cut out of it. If I were to place a 2x2ft sharkstooth gauze within this window, paint it to look like a closed window for example, light it as you are supposed to (from above, straight across it) and then switch the lighting to behind it, would it reveal the item sat behind the window?


I suppose the main question Im also asking, where could I get a bit of a gauze to this size? Most of the companies offered on here seem to only do the full size drops of gauze as opposed to being able to have a particular smaller size. Also, if I were to paint it, would the colour of it matter? Ideally I suppose black would be best, assuming you can still paint on these with no issues?


Any help would be much appreciated! :** laughs out loud **:

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The simple answer is yes.

What you've described is a pretty standard way of achieving the effect.

How it works in your specific situation depends entirely on, well, your situation. And best results are achieved by experimentation with light once you have the piece built.


Colour of the gauze? Depends on what you're painting on it, but if it's a window frame, thn probably bst start with a white gauze. Darker pictures are best with black gauze (obvious).


Source? Contact some of the main suppliers directly and ask if you could have some offcuts - they most likely will have some come up from time to time.

Whaleys (Bradford), J & C Joel, McDougals, etc.

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It's also handy to rig up a blinder at the back of the gauze that can stay in place until just before the reveal - that way any reflections or stray light won't go through and reveal the item early, just a black frame that you can simply drop off just before will work fine - it just makes sure the secret holds until needed.The actual paint on the front often has some detail on it too, which stops it looking like a big blank space, that can often look a bit wrong. So your closed window idea will be great, curtains and the window frame provide the detail to disguise the opening.
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I suppose the main question Im also asking, where could I get a bit of a gauze to this size?

If you filled in a location in your profile there might be someone nearby who could help.


Ah, very true. All updated now and am based in Oxfordshire.


Thanks all for the suggestions/ideas. The blinder is a great addition and makes me wonder why I didn't think of it before! I was just concerned originally with seeing everyone saying the subject had to be x feet distance from the gauze to achieve the reveal effect, and with mine being literally not far away at all wondered if it would still work!

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One 'classic' reveal done in the way you've described as wanting is the portraits of the long dead ansectors in Ruddigore. Done this a couple of times with the actors stood pretty much just behind the gauze (with a curtain blinder prior to reveal). The cast were all dressed in costume then the ortraits painted to 'match' their poses, which also helped with the illusion.
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