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Zero 88 Demux 48 Transorb


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Hi I am having a problem with my Demux the other it just stop working I have opened it up, battery and fuse are ok ( I have removed the fuse in the picture) , But where the 240v input is there is a (TRANSORB) that looks to be burned out, but can find out anything about it.


Could anyone help with telling me what I need to buy to replace it and where I can get one from, Or should I just throw it in a corner and leave it for a few years till I need part's out of it.




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Hi Matty111,


Normally if you remove this, it will continue to work.


I see you've removed it, so if it's still not working, it could mean it's damaged other things.


If you would like to PM me the serial number, I can see if we still hold any spares for it.



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it seem to be getting power but nothing on the display


thanks just powered it up getting a bit of buzzing so I know it getting power but display is not working, also a min ago just got some smoke so to the bin it go's thanks for the help, If anyone is selling one with a negative output would you message me thanks.

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Just a thought


Where and how will the neutral get from its pin, the track goes to the TRANSORB


and if its not there there is a long circuit (long time till it works)


Or is there another track under the PCB


Somehow we need to get L + N to the transformer


Is / was the transorb in series if so it would need a low resistance


or in parallel when it would be high until there was a spike

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Transorbs go between Live & Neutral, so the unit will run without it (sans overvolt protection)


The fact it's blown offers a possible reason why the unit is not working.

It probably got a big spike up its jacksy which blew the transorb and the transformer.


Measure the resistance of the transformer windings, L-N, L/N to E and L/N to extra-low voltage outputs.

Replacing the transformer is fairly cheap and will be worth it if you do still need a demux.


However, if you see a short from mains to extra-low voltage then it's probably not economical to repair as a lot of other stuff will have died.

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I still got power and a small buzzing sound so tranformer was working but no display, and after 1 min smoke started to come out, dose any one know what thoses light processes demux are any good or should I just try and get a 2nd hand zero88 thanks, if I don't need the neg kit out of this one I have I will see if any one want its for repair on here thanks


I still got power and a small buzzing sound so tranformer was working but no display, and after 1 min smoke started to come out, dose any one know what thoses light processes demux are any good or should I just try and get a 2nd hand zero88 thanks, if I don't need the neg kit out of this one I have I will see if any one want its for repair on here thanks

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Am looking at the fuse cover and can see heat damage to the left, you haven't put the fuse in the wrong holder have you? You should have a 100mA fuse in the 240v holder and nothing in the 110v one, assuming of course you are using a 240v supply.
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Yer was in the 240v took it out to test it, thanks for your help. I know what you mean about the burn mark someone could of been messing with it as other people sometimes use the hall and lights.
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If you have buzzing, smoke from the transformer and the TransZorb has disintegrated, chances are that it has had a hefty spike or 400V across its input that has damaged either the transformer windings or something downstream of it such as a voltage regulator. You cannot assume that the transformer is OK, just because something seems to be happening. Shorted turns will cause it to overheat and smoke, but some low-voltage output might still be getting through to the demux making parts of it appear to work. Alternatively if you have a shorted regulator on the DC side some or all of the transformer secondary might be overloaded.


My hunch is it would be a fairly straightforward fix involving just the power supply unless you have been unlucky and the damage has reached the guts of the demux itself. However I would be inclined to revisit whatever caused the damage in the first place, as under normal operating conditions user-error or other faults in the unit will not blow up the TransZorb.


Guts noun The internal gubbins of a device that process the input obtained via the jacksy (qv)



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  • 11 months later...

Ours has just let the magic smoke out of the Transorb, :angry:I've removed it and the unit works OK again :)but I would like to replace it.

As it has no markings on it, has anyone any idea of a suitable replacement 'transorb'?

RMS Voltage/power rating etc



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