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Olympic Opening Questions

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I too was impressed by last nights opening of the Olympics. Isaw glimpses of lots of technology and wanted to know who did it and how it wasdone.

To that end, can anyone tell me who were the major contractors in..





Motion control (loved the smoking chimneys.. & generalflying of props/talent)

Stage management


Also, was the wire rope ‘ring’ that suspended the flown linearrays a permanent fixture?


How many Skycams were there.. and were they the lowest elementsof the flown kit?


I’ve had a look at the usual websites (TPI, Live Production,etc, for news & info but have drawn a blank so far..


Many thanks



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I’ve had a look at the usual websites (TPI, Live Production,etc, for news & info but have drawn a blank so far..
I expect LSI will be doing a full article on this in the next few months.


I know that PRG were the main contractor for Lighting.

Executive Producer for Production was Mark Fisher (Designer on shows like Pink Floyd's The Wall, U2 Zoo TV, Cirque Du Soleil KA etc.)

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Your also missing the video element which had quite a large impact such as the seat "pixels" and the video segments. The design and filming was done by 59 Productions with the kit supplied by Creative Technologies.
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  • 3 weeks later...

The lighting Design was done by Patrick Woodroffe. Along with Adam Basset.

There were 3 "sky cams" all running from just 2 points so only able to go lengths ways (from the Bell Stage to the Tree Stage). 1 camera was running on the same lines that did some of the show flying (the rigging that had the bike fly on it) that was ran by the company that filmed the ceremonies. This ran down the very centre of the FOP. Another camera was there put in near to the press area and was put there by OBS (Olympic Broadcast Service) to help film the 'official' bits of the ceremony. The third I don't know if this was used during the ceremony but was put there by OBS and was mainly used during the sporting events. All the wires for these were underneath the flying grid. The wire rope that is flying the line arrears is pretty permanent however I don't if it will stay after the stadium goes to its new owner.... Also for the closing ceremony there was only one sky cam.... Hope this answers some of your questions Rowan

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The wire rope that is flying the line arrears is pretty permanent however I don't if it will stay after the stadium goes to its new owner....


Has that been sorted yet ? I hear it is still going to come right down.


BTW mods there is some oddness with Rownas post lots of "

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Woodroffe & Fisher were involved?

Who'd a thought it!


I was very impressed and intrigued with the bits of set and the flying that was going on, and the big chimneys especially. Found a very good article about the gig here from an engineering POV.



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The wire rope that is flying the line arrears is pretty permanent however I don't if it will stay after the stadium goes to its new owner....


Has that been sorted yet ? I hear it is still going to come right down.


BTW mods there is some oddness with Rownas post lots of "


I believe that the Cable-Net system is all coming out after both games are finished.

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