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BBC audio from the opening ceremony 2012


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so I have to say I am very proud to be a tiny part of the tech community, not commercial and very small scale by comparsion


those tech boys did us proud tonight, stunning show.


the audience LED panels, genius. I want 80,000 of those too.


how do you put on a gig of that scale, make it sound amazing, look stunning, and not one single earth loop?



hats off if you had any part of it, I stand up and salute your work :)


sound editors, you did us proud.

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hats off to mr boyle too, press coverage typically gave all the wrong impressions of what was to come.


significantly massive thankyou for putting on such a great peice of work


if I had to rip a hole:


audio from the the commentators had some feedback in the first hour but it settled, that makes sense. no DR is going to find everything when its live.


I think mr boyle missed a few opportunities with the athlete walk in music.


how many IEM went in to that little number?


how many mixing desks and microphones.




some very weird sync problems for mcartney too. what was that about?

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Re the mccarthy sync thing.I thought,at the start of hey jude,the crowd had ran too much ahead,and,he quite cleverly skiped a bit to catch up.discuss.


The crowd ran ahead and he ,cleverly, skipped a bit, to catch up. ? Anybody ?


I think there was an extra feed from somewhere in the mix, and then it was removed. making it look like he missed a section. I dunno. Hard to tell.

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Re the mccarthy sync thing.I thought,at the start of hey jude,the crowd had ran too much ahead,and,he quite cleverly skiped a bit to catch up.discuss.


The crowd ran ahead and he ,cleverly, skipped a bit, to catch up. ? Anybody ?


It was delayed audio on the broadcast. He and his band were in time and it probably sounded okay in the stadium.

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My thoughts exactly Kit, slight broadcast mixing glitch. But should we pick minor holes in what was an amazing show?


The Brazilians are already having kittens about following that. The set worked magnificently right to the end with the flags and opening speeches. The lighting was outstanding and the use of the audience inspired. Underworld just blew me away with the soundtrack and Eclipse for the fireworks just put the tin hat on it.


Kim Gavin doing the closing ceremony could be something really special to look forward to.

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I was very impressed with the event. The level of organisation to get something like that to come off is astounding. Congratulations to all involved. It would be the mother of all get-outs too.


We heard part of it on Radio 5 and it was almost unlistenable. It sounded like the music and the commentary was all coming through a single camcorder microphone. I switched it off after a few minutes because it was so difficult to listen to. Disappointing given that the TV sound was so very good.


It was nice to see the NHS recognised.

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Watched the first hour or so of it last night, and catching up with the rest now. Utterly astonishing; I don't care what all the naysayers reckon, this is truly impressive stuff.


Fair play to the drummers near the entrance of the stadium; there's some endurance athletes right there!

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I agree DJW. However I'd much rather have the (fag packet maths) £200 the whole thing cost us each...


On the subject of audio, I just wished they'd provided a "commentary-free" stream online. I wanted to hear the ceremony at a decent level without Huw Stevens et al deafening me every time they thought of something to say... Weirdly, my girlfriend was much less bothered by the BBC commentary than my own "how the hell are they doing that?!" commentary...

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