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flash pot or alternative


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I have need to use some nature of flash and smoke in an upcoming production. I need the "bad guy" to dissappear into a flash of smoke. I am uncertain that a standard flashpot would be the way to go and was hoping to find advise or an alternative. The stage will be filled with actors at the time who are "frozen" into position and the script calls for the actor to flown out, but I don't have the capability to do so, thus searching for ideas. Can anyone chime in on this?

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I have need to use some nature of flash and smoke in an upcoming production. I need the "bad guy" to dissappear into a flash of smoke. I am uncertain that a standard flashpot would be the way to go and was hoping to find advise or an alternative. The stage will be filled with actors at the time who are "frozen" into position and the script calls for the actor to flown out, but I don't have the capability to do so, thus searching for ideas. Can anyone chime in on this?

Hi and welcome to the Blue Room.


First things first, I know that many states over on the left side of the pond have legislation restricting who can and cannot use pyro, including licences being required in some areas - so first of all check that unless you have already.


Secondly, even if you are not needing a licence, if you have no experience using pyro (which appears to be the case from what you've posted) then I would advise a step back and looking for someone who DOES have the knowledge.


What you're asking about is a pretty basic effect, but there are still safety rules that need to be observed and if you aren't completely au fait with them you risk endangering lives and property.

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Thank you for the input. I understand the precautions regarding pyro, which is why I am trying to avoid that route. I thought about using our fogger, the strobe is a good idea. I may experiment with ther fogger and some sort of a bellows to push it out faster afrter it is built up. I need to see if it will hold up in a bag. Thank you again.
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The presumption being that you can get someone in to do the pyro stuff, then you might consider the "failsafe" way of firing the pyro and going to DBO at the same instant as the flash goes off (well, that is "a" way I have seen it done in amdram panto because the actor may not be too quick on his pins as in not so much darts off but more shuffles off stage). The audience are dazzled momentarily by the flash in the BO and your "bad guy" escapes of SR or SL.


One caveat about smoky pyros is that the smoke might hang about a bit...if it doesn't trip the smoke detectors first...so you might need to sort out the disabling thing...which is an RA moment. Some venues won't have smoke anyway so it may be the flash needs to come from a strobe cobbled into your desk so that it comes on at the DBO.


If you could contrive to have said (mini) strobe somewhere near the onstage vanishing business you could experiment until your Dir' is happy. Even better if you can block the business to extreme SR/L.

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I love the ideas, thank you all.


I am really drawn to the CO2 idea with a mix of light. I can rent a CO2 canon locally, so I can experiment for a bit.


It seems cost prohibitive to hire a pyro guy or I may try both. Thank you again.

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