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GrandMA 2 game

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I assume when you say your "programming" you mean that in a loose term.


For one, no there isn't any game, as the people who use them professionally have no time for that sort of thing, plus why jeopardise a operating system by putting such a pointless thing on?


For two, I can't think of a time where I've had time to do such a thing.


For three, this is why I don't bother coming to the blue room much these days because of the pointless questions being asked.


Rant over.


Thank you. :)

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I assume when you say your "programming" you mean that in a loose term.


For one, no there isn't any game, as the people who use them professionally have no time for that sort of thing, plus why jeopardise a operating system by putting such a pointless thing on?


For two, I can't think of a time where I've had time to do such a thing.


For three, this is why I don't bother coming to the blue room much these days because of the pointless questions being asked.


Rant over.


Thank you. :)



For one, MA put one on the v1 which didn't jeopardise it in any way and many professional users whiled away a dull moment playing it.


For two, many a quiet moment waiting for others to catch up on some jobs.


For three, rather unnecessarily aggressive wouldn't you say?


Rant over.


Thank you :)

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Putting anything onto a platform which is intended to do another job will always take away vital processing power and affect how stable the operating system is.


It wasn't intended to be aggressive, it was direct and to the point, far from aggressive. My apologies if this was the case.


As with the original question, the answer is no, there isn't any game on the MA2 Platform. You will have to play noughts and crosses.

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  • 5 months later...

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Jim-bob. CLEARLY has NEVER programmed a show!!!


first of all; yes Jim-Bob. That's what working people in this industry call it world wide corporate or rock touring that's what it's called. PROGRAMMING.


second of all; yes whether programming a rock tour or doing tradeshows or corporates. Their is ALWAYS long periods of time while programmers sit at the desk waiting for something, whether its the next cue in a long boring corporate rehearsal or for the lighting crew or other departments to get you your rig.


Third of all... If the plat form operating system is delicate enough for a game to jeopardize the console then it's lame. I program on the ma2 all the time and it's very stable. And I've actually heard their are games hidden.


Fourth of all ; for a person of obvious little experience you were quite rude to the person who only asked a legitimate question. In fact. I found this post because I myself was wondering. And if you were a real programmer you would be wondering too.


Fifth of all. I've been on tours where during the long boring hours of the day when the lighting is at trim tested and focused we would have competitions on space invaders.


Rant over


Sorry that too was probably a bit aggressive. ** laughs out loud **. But as I write this I am staring at an ma2 for 13 hours a day doing a show which I have completely time coded. Believe me I've gotten tired of every game on my iPad days ago :-)

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Well, I as well would be interested to know if there is one while I'm sat behind the desk during long technical rehearsals doing nothing while the stage crew are sorting out a scene change etcetc


If Zero88 can put a game on their consoles, I'm sure an MA2 could cope ! Haha.


As above, I've exhausted all my IPad games.

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Putting anything onto a platform which is intended to do another job will always...affect how stable the operating system is.


You're not a software developer, are you? A correctly designed OS should never be affected - stability-wise - by the software running under it, in normal circumstances (excluding device drivers and other privileged or low-level bits of software).

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Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Jim-bob. CLEARLY has NEVER programmed a show!!!


first of all; yes Jim-Bob. That's what working people in this industry call it world wide corporate or rock touring that's what it's called. PROGRAMMING.

Welcome to the forum. You might notice that before you posted, this topic was last active in July last year.


So what does your (apparent) personal attack on JimBob have to do with the discussion and pushing it forwards?


Cheers :)


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Any idea if the Orb series (as it runs ZerOS like the Frog?) has this? :)


The game was hidden within the original Frog series - which didn't run ZerOS - so you won't find Frogger on the XF sorry!



Aww, I was getting excited then! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif

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Well there ya go jom_bob! Space invaders on the MA1 sure did not seem to affect the consoles stability in any way..


Actually, it did - there are a number of consoles where the space invaders game corrupted, and then would crash the desk whenever space invaders was launched. I have seen 2 do this - and it is not fixed by a simple firmware upgrade either.

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