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recommend me a USB capture device


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looking for recommendations for a cheapie USB device to capture composite video + unbalanced audio. It'll potentially be feeding various applications, things like ScreenMonkey and Adobe Flash Media Encoder. Needs to work with Windows.


Don't need anything more than basic capture of composite video, and potentially S-video. Don't need any higher res.


I've borrowed and tried one of those "copy your VHS to computer" things, which worked fine. You can buy dozens of different types of them on ebay for 5-10 pounds.


Any recommendations? Are any better than the rest, or all they all equally bad :) Years ago when I did this sort of stuff, I used Osprey cards, but this sort of technology now seems to fall right into the "budget consumer product" arena.

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Pinnacle Dazzle is worth looking at. I spec'ed one for a couple of projects for other folks to use which did (and continues to do) the job for them. Looks like there are a few more options out there now than there were when I was looking. I've happily used other Pinnacle hardware too.
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I wouldn't recommend an 'EasyCap'. There's one version for £30, and a seemingly identical one for £5. The £5 one is missing the proprietary software that makes it work as well as any form of driver. As such I now have one sitting on a shelf, doing absolutely nothing, as it has been for the last year or so. If you're confident that you can make it work it might be worth a shot for a fiver, but with the amount of other capture cards out there it's probably a waste of time.
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I've specified the Pinnacle hardware - most of the Pinnacle packages use the same hardware, but with different software applications - for live use in churches, and it works well with most of the worship software out there. It's a little more expensive than the cheapest solutions, but it appears robust and reliable.
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I wouldn't recommend an 'EasyCap'. There's one version for £30, and a seemingly identical one for £5. The £5 one is missing the proprietary software that makes it work as well as any form of driver. As such I now have one sitting on a shelf, doing absolutely nothing, as it has been for the last year or so.


Apparently the genuine "EasyCap" is a good unit. But it has been targetted by the pirates, and the "fake" ones use a different chipset. The genuine unit has now been rebranded "EzCap".


Your £5 one is likely to be fake.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One thing I found with our Pinnacle DVC100 is the lag. I was using it playing straight out to VLC on a reasonably specified machine and the video was a second or two slow. Which ruled it out for the purpose we needed it for.


OT - We then tried using the DVC100 on an ARM board and found the ARM drivers for it are totally broken, however an EasyCap (£5 jobby) worked better - although it does have some oddities re how it presents its options to the drivers.

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