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Couldn't find any recent SPaG topics to tack this on to, but for sheer total incorrect-ness, this is worth a read (and a groan!)




Picked this up from a US Stagecraft guy's FB page.

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I live in Spain. The apostrophe doesn't exist in the Spanish language.

However some shops to make themselves look "English" use the apostrophe in their name such as one I seen yesterday with the name of BED'S :rolleyes:



In Sunny and Warm Spain, 40.7 C outside at the moment.

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Bed's - not necessarily incorrect. It may be the shop belonging to Bed.


(secret Eats, Shoots and Leaves fan)


In a sultry 19 degrees Vale of Evesham, the dark grey clouds massing in the west , the waters slowly rising - it's Armageddon time!

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Just insanely jealous, Gerry. I love living here but having had over a years worth of rain in two months it has become a pain in the sinuses.


Doesn't help to get texts from sorta dorta in the Canaries either!


I adore hot weather and sunshine but her indoors has developed light sensitivity from her medication, which doesn't help. No chance of a sunseeking break for the foreseeable.


FWIW I am to the west of Evesham and his rising water comes from round here.

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I've got a narrow boat booked on the avon for the olympic weeks. By the way the forecasts are going I'm tempted to extend the hire to 40 days and 40 nights.


I've done a couple of narrow boat trips on the Severn and Avon...can be a bit, er, fun if the river is in flood! Even so, at least there are no Olympic only lanes!

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