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Alternative Confetti Droppers


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Hi all,


I'm a first time poster, and I'm really hoping someone will be able to provide their expert knowledge of confetti dropping.


I'm currently researching these products - and I have found the 3 below which look really interesting:


- Confetti Storm Machine (MTFX)

- Confetti Spinner (MTFX)

- Confetti Swirl Fan (Magic FX)


I'm hoping someone can offer their advise relating to the above items, or any anecdotes regarding their experiences perhaps?


In a nut-shell I'm looking for the below characteristics (or as close as I can get!):


- Small / discreet

- Silent / quiet

- Can take a bespoke substrate - perhaps larger than standard confetti

- Truss mounted / suspended (no ground support - maybe this rules out the Storm Machine)

- Large capacity - maybe refillable?

- Variable dispersal speed, controlled by DMX maybe.



If someone can kindly provide some advise relating to the above 3 machines I have found that would be greatly appreciated!


If there are alternative mechanics / technology too I would really like to hear about it.


Many thanks,



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Have used Magic FX swirl fans a fair bit.


- Small / discreet = Subjective! They don't look out of place next to moving lights (just a black round bin) and don't take up lots of truss space.

- Silent / quiet = Running at low speed for a rain / snow type effect they're pretty quiet - wouldn't call it silent. The sound of the confetti hitting the casing is louder than the fan in my opinion.

- Can take a bespoke substrate - perhaps larger than standard confetti = Have seen up to 50mm petals, but I'm guessing you could go bigger that this as long as the product is light and flexible.

- Truss mounted / suspended (no ground support - maybe this rules out the Storm Machine) = Yes - only option.

- Large capacity - maybe refillable? = 3kg of normal confetti is plenty for 5 mins+ of rain. You'd have to bring the truss in to refill.

- Variable dispersal speed, controlled by DMX maybe = runs on a normal dimmer channel. Normally best to make it's control separate from lighting (in case a number crunching error dumps confetti at the wrong moment).

- RELIABLE = It's a fan. Not really anything to go wrong.


I like them - very easy to use and produce a big effect per unit (can cover a whole stage with a few units).



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Have used the confetti spinner.


- Small / discreet. well, not tiny but no bigger than a standard mover

- Silent / quiet. Extremely quiet, but not silent

- Can take a bespoke substrate - perhaps larger than standard confetti. As long as the substrate fits through the drop aperture no problems as they load into a large 'dish' on top. We were using large stage glitter flakes which are about 40mm x 20mm

- Truss mounted / suspended (no ground support - maybe this rules out the Storm Machine). Standard G-hooks and safety bond.

- Large capacity - maybe refillable? Large enough for a sustained drop lasting over a minute, depending on the substrate. I would seriously consider safety considerations when refilling a confetti spinner from what's been swept up. Whereas they certainly can do it, you need to be careful you're not also dropping lose screws, hair grips, coins, dirt and toe-nails on the cast on the second night along with the recycled confetti

- Variable dispersal speed, controlled by DMX maybe. Can't help here, I wasn't opping

- RELIABLE used one in about 4 different shows of week-long runs, never had a single problem, tbh there is not a lot that go wrong.


hope this helps.

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Hi both,


Thank you for your quick replies.


With regards to size, it would be a useful option to drop synthetic leaves up to 100mm x100mm if possible?


Do you know of any different kinds of droppers? an non-fan based device?


Many thanks



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