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First Show With a grand MA


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I am operating on a GMA for the first time. I have only ever operated on a ChamSys and Avolites.

Whats a good way to set out a busking show ? If I have a chance I would pre program my show, But I think I only have an hour/hour and half get in.




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I guess the first question is: Are you going to have to set up and patch the desk in that time? There is quite a learning curve to these elements plus setting up the screens (or loading a default screen set up).


Adjusting and recording fixtures is pretty straight forward, command line like the Cham Sys, with palettes on touchscreen tiles like a Hog (or a MagicQ, come to that) Like most desks you can change what a playback fader does, but this isn't totally obvious initially.


Hopefully you are talking about operating a festival rig as a guest? In that case, just run it like you would a MagicQ or an Avo and get the house tech to help you set up faders how you like them. Keep it simple and don't be too proud to slap some white tape N Sharpie on the thing so you feel at home.


If you are going to be in command of all the setup, patching and programming on your own I would suggest a training day and the GrandMA on PC AND trying to pre-program a certain amount before you get there.


If you imagine a Cham Sys that is as wonderfully flexible and therefore has the capacity to be stupidly complicated, then you'll get the Grand MA.

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Yep. I am just going to set up a busking show as im now doing pre prod for another show on saturday. Busy busy busy.



I shall bring my White Tape and A Sharpie. Never leave home without them :)




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