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Help with this fitting?


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Done those, and couldn't identify anything similar. I doubt if it's domestic - this is a very posh venue, with a lot of money thrown at it, and everything else in the venue looks as if the architect chose it carefully. So I suspect that there's an 'architect's catalogue' somewhere with this kind of thing in - I just don't know where!
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Said fitting had to be made somewhere by someone. Ergo you could start by trundling around to your wholesale electrical outlet and asking them taking a picture with you. I would posit that if anyone would know it would be them, or, know a rep who does... after all they are in the business to sell stuff.


Or...if you know the venue then you will find someone who could reveal the builders...who in turn could unmask the architect or the contractors who did the first and second fix...possibly. Or, the specialist contractor who did the install.


Presumably there is a warranty type contract in place???

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Does it have to be an exact match?


Commercial fittings tend to come and go. If the install is of any age you might struggle to find a match.


Knowing the lamp type will help find the fitting.


Use Google images with something like "PARxx spotlight barndoors" and you'll see some examples where xx is 20, 30, 36 or 38 (and maybe even qr111).

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How old is the building? I know my old venue, which was built in 2003 came with four rather hefty operations and maintenance manuals, one of which had details of all fixtures and fittings used, from carpets in the foyer to the tiles on the outside of the building!
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