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ETC Ion/Element Showfile size?


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Hi all,


We've just about to move to Ion/Elements for our lighting control. So, USB sticks are the way forward for saving shows off the console. Question is: roughly what size are the showfiles? I'm assuming they're comparitively small, considering what they store, but maybe I'm wrong?


Anyway, the reason I ask is because I have a small stash of 256mb USB sticks that are essentially useless for most other uses, but thought they might come in useful for porting shows between consoles and keeping a backup of the main house plot. Will they be big enough?


For reference, 120 dimmers. 20-odd LED fixtures, 2 I-Cues. Nothing any more exciting.

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I've just checked the saved files from my last show (dimmers around the same, 12 movers, 30 LEDs) and the oldest file was 127kb, latest 282kb, so the deciding factor would be cues I'd say which knocks up the memory. But either way that's still only plenty of room on your 256mb sticks.


Enjoy the Ion, we do. :)



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Hi Matt,


Yes as others have mentioned - not too big. The biggest showfile I have to hand is from a tour I programmed last year which had 16 or so movers, scrollers, 180 ish cues etc etc and comes to 384kb!





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The largest show sitting on our hard drive at the moment (last Christmas' panto) weighs in at around the 600kB mark, for a show with something approaching 400 cues and a lot of palettes, groups, effects, etc. About four hundred shows of that size would easily fit onto a 256MB stick - so at least twice as many of what I'd imagine to be a medium-to-large show in terms of what you're describing.


Have fun with the Ion - it's a wonderful console.

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