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Calender Compare Software


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Bit of a strange one I know. But I was wondering if anyone knew of any software that lets you "compare" your calenders so to speak.


Basically something that would let me have a number of calenders, one for each show - and then the software can tell me of any clashes etc would be great. As I find inputting all my shows into one calender a bit labourious so to speak.

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Outlook. You can have a number of different calenders. You can also then sync them to phones and view specific calnders or view them all on one page.


It's what I use for freelancing as I can steal the calender file and copy it over machines etc.

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Er.... Google calendars. As many calendars as you need, layer them up and compare and lots of plugins to adapt them... Or doodle.com does a date comparison which you could adapt.


+1 for GCalendars... Super handy, and can be exported/synced with loads of other software/devices :)

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If putting all of your shows into one calendar is too laborious, then how will putting the same data into more than one calendar be any easier? My confused face, let me show it to you :huh:


I agree. I know iCal lets you subscribe to as many calendars as you want, I can't imagine that other calendar packages don't have the same feature. In iCal you can turn various calendars on or off with check boxes, or just leave them all on so you can see everything that happens each day.


If someone else isn't posting the calendar for users to subscribe to, how is entering into different calendars different than all in one?


Also confused



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I think what he means is some software where he could load multiple 'pre-made' calendars into it and it would warn him when 2 dates combined, rather than just calendar software that lets you input multiple things per day (which is any calendar).


Thats the one. I already use google calenders for the shows, using different colours for different shows. something that allows me to input multiple calender exports, and flashes up to tell me when they clash would be brilliant.



Would this meet your needs? Looks good...




From how the website reads, it sounds pretty much there.

I shall download and have a play tomorrow and report back.







E2A: ahhh - upon further exploration of the site.... they want 500$ for the software licence.

which makes it a no go as id rather spend a day doing it myself, than spend that on calender software!!! but definatly on the right lines there.

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You might have a look at Keepandshare This allows you to have separate calendars which can be overlaid and it also allows synchronization using iCalendar. I'm not sure whether it would meet your exact needs but its worth a look. I stumbled upon it recently and I like the user interface. It's only free for single calendars but not outrageously expensive for the full version



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You might have a look at Keepandshare This allows you to have separate calendars which can be overlaid and it also allows synchronization using iCalendar. I'm not sure whether it would meet your exact needs but its worth a look. I stumbled upon it recently and I like the user interface. It's only free for single calendars but not outrageously expensive for the full version



Brilliant! that looks spot on!

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