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Cheapest place to buy colour


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I find the cheapest thing to do is buy it from my local hire co and get it delivered with a hire thus saving delivery. Everywhere seems much of a muchness price wise and supporting my local hire place means they'll still be there when I need them at the last minute!
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I find the cheapest thing to do is buy it from my local hire co and get it delivered with a hire thus saving delivery. Everywhere seems much of a muchness price wise and supporting my local hire place means they'll still be there when I need them at the last minute!


A really really big +1 for this!


If I thought one of our customers was worrying about £1 extra per sheet of colour being expensive, then I'd be making some mental reservations about my dealings with them. If you're ordering a big gel call then by all means, ask your local company for a discount if they are able, but being honest - there's not that much margin on name Gels like Lee or Rosco.


There are better ways of saving money on hires than saving a few quid on gel - talk to the company you're dealing with and explain what you're budget is, please don't assume that calling us and saying "I know this kit is usually £200 could I have it for £125 and for two weeks instead of one?" gets you a sympathetic ear. I'm always happy to try and help folk with a tight budget but I am expected to show a return to my employer....


Just my two penn'orth

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I've no idea how much it costs. I order what I need from my local supplier, and it's always there when it should be. If I'm paying extra for this, it's worth it for reliability. The cheapest supplier may well not have stock when I need it, and gaffing about hunting down pence isn't that high on my list of important things to do - unless, as said it was a big colour call. Having colour cut to size is expensive, but lots of people order colours and sizes even though it costs, because it saves elsewhere.
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The other obvious point is in the amdram world most shows actually wont need more than half a dozen colours at most and you may have half a sheet left each time, make sure this is stored neatly so when you need it next time you dont have to pay for more gel. Of course the one area where gels do wear more is battens etc.
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