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Hose Pipe Ban


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Interesting point just raised by a client (hadn't crossed my mind at all)is whether we will be restricted from filling water ballast due to the hosepipe ban. There is a list of restrictions here: http://www.hosepipeban.org.uk/2012/03/14/hosepipe-ban-restrictions-2012/


The only one which might catch us (if it's a private function in someone's house) is the "Using a hosepipe for domestic recreation". Does weighing down a marquee for a party count as Domestic Recreation?


Anyone ever had to deal with this before?





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Was speaking to someone from one of the big marquee companies a couple of years ago, when we organised an event. I was a little surprised when they turned up with a lorryload of 1000 litre water ballast tanks, full.


The guy said there's little point in emptying them between gigs - they don't take up any less space, and they've got a forklift or telehandler on site anyway. The time spent in emptying and refilling costs more than the savings they would make in fuel.

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Was speaking to someone from one of the big marquee companies a couple of years ago, when we organised an event. I was a little surprised when they turned up with a lorryload of 1000 litre water ballast tanks, full.


The guy said there's little point in emptying them between gigs - they don't take up any less space, and they've got a forklift or telehandler on site anyway. The time spent in emptying and refilling costs more than the savings they would make in fuel.


That is indeed strange. I would have thought the economics wouldn't make sense most of the time. Unless they were bringing them straight from another job which wasn't too far away.


Emptying them can be an issue, almost flooded the crypt of Oxford Castle once. Whoops!

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You could of course syphon/pump the water into a load of "handy" water butts on the property...the owner would be very impressed with "your" efforts at "long term" water recycling...all over his prize dahlias and beds...all summer long.
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Been wondering how you are managing, Bob. Is it as bad as last year?


At least we don't have crocs and snakes floating down river here. Bad enough when our puny spiders come in out of the rain, though right now 22C and blazing sunshine had the legs out yesterday. Scary!

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we always pump the tanks out at the end of a job if there is no proper drainage on site, book a tanker. on council land they charge a fortune for damage to grass etc, takes no longer on site with a decent pump
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Been wondering how you are managing, Bob. Is it as bad as last year?



Not so bad as last year in the specific place I live. We've had another very rainy wet season but more spread out so we only got light localised flooding rather than the "inland tsunami" of last year.


That was just lucky though...both north and sound of us there has been a lot of flooding again.


Funily enough, it was about 22C and blazing sun here as well--a typical autumn/early winter day!

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But they find unlimited water for the games by telling farmers they cant water there fields. how I see it if your using the water but storing it in tanks filled by hose pipes I can`t see how they can stop you.
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