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HOG 250/600 shape generator?

Ashley R

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Finally got some time to myself with my Jands hog 250, and maybe its just me being thick, but I cant figure out how (if you can) to get into a shapes generator of any description.


some pointers would be greatly appreciated, as its driving me nuts at the moment, as I just want to get these two MH-660's to wiggle http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif


but then again does such a feature exist on this 17yr old console? (Maybe time to try out MagicQ?)


Thanks Ashley

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Having just had a very quick scan through the Hog 250/600 manual, it looks like your desk doesn't have a shape generator.


I used a Jands 250 a few times a long time ago, I thought it did, even though I can't find the reference to "effects" or "library" in the manual. I do remember that things like that were harder to find on the Jands interface. Perhaps the Hog Effects Engine wasn't part of the deal.


Am now trying to remember how I got my wagglies to, er, waggle. If I had one in front of me, I might be able to remember but I'm sure there was a list of the usual Circle, Rainbow etc etc. that you had to scroll down the tiny screen to find. Maybe I'm just losing it...


Edit:// Ok, so the Effects Engine definitely is in the manual for the Jands 500/1000 (which I also used a couple of times) perhaps the 250 really doesn't have it. Think the build quality of my mind must now equal those desks ** laughs out loud **.

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I was also driving myself nuts, as thats exactly what I was doing. trying to comb through the user manual that I've got (That might be as old as the console!).


Others have mentioned that it does have an FX engine in it, but maybe getting the older 250/600 mixed up with the newer 500/1000


ill see if I can have another crack at it tomorrow....


I forget who, but someone on here owned a Hog 600. My memory is being annoying right now...


(And if this thing doesn't have a generator; looks like in the market for a new console under $2000/$1500....)

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I'm suprised you got profiles for your movers too! :)


That was easy, I already had it in a collection of fixture profiles, and then edited it to my liking. Or I can make one from scratch in notepad in about 30 mins. http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif

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I have one - in the store however. The menu comes up on the LCD and has quite a few of the usual circles, squares, fig-8s already in there - it's pig 'something' - memory says pig select on the stack, then the soft menu. It's NOT in the manual. It certainly does it - just been a while since I had it plugged in.
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Pig and select dident work, so started hitting random combo's of Pig and 'somthing' and came up with Pig and Control, and on the screen its come up with a list of names which inc Fig 8, circle, rectangle and a few others. and then on the jog wheels ive got Size, Rate and offset. Which seems just about right

Now just to hook the movers back up to it, and see if ive hit the jackpot!


Edit to add: Looks like I have, powered up 1 head and got it to wiggle! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif


Now just to figure out how I can centre the effect/ restrict the Pan/tilt to where I want the effect to go, as currently its just mainly doing it effect pointing at the ceiling.

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Just to confirm what Paul and I have said is correct, and I now have half a dozen MH-660's wiggling away exactly the way I want them! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif


the power of the BR shows itself again!


Thanks to all that have posted.

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To Stop them waggling: Hit the <- arrow to clear any inputs. If that doesn't work in the FX Engine screen itself, the first option (Top left) was Clear Programmer or something along those lines, select that and hit enter. Made the movers go to home, and shut their shutter.


To regain control over the movers just type in the mover numbers into the keypad, either by doing: 1+3+5 or 1 thru 6 and hit enter, and you now have control over your movers again.


Already put the desk back into its case, ready to be sent out tomorrow on a show, otherwise I would have been more precise.

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Ill get back to you with exactly what it is, and exactly where to find it, when I unpack my hog on Wednesday.


Should add this to the wiki or something if all of this is not in the manual!

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