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Chief LX


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I've just been assigned as Chief LX for my university placement on the opera! As I've never really done anything like this before I was wondering

if you guys could give me a few pointers on the type of responsibilities and tasks that I will need to complete and the type of paperwork I will be expected to produce especially for preparation?


Really appreciate it!






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Personally I'd be going back to your university lecturers or tutors- if they've asked you to do a task, then they should ensure that you know what you're doing.


Or of course, if they have asked you to go and do some research of your own, to get some ideas of what this role entails, this is a different matter. We're not very keen on doing people's homework for them on the Blue Room, if this is the case then I'd suggest you post what you have already and ask for people's opinions.



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I would have thought the best thing would be to ask the LD and PM/TM what they will expect from you. We might give you loads of things that are sometimes required and you may waste your time doing when no-one really wanted them doing in the first place! It's always best to give the customer what they want and in this case the customers are the Lighting Designer and Production or Technical Manager. If you have LX crew who won't take the p*** then you could ask them how they feel you could be of assistance to them too.


Hope that helps.

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It's also important to frame the role properly. Chief LX? What do you consider this role to encompass? It's an opera - but we have no idea of scale. Size of stage, number of people working there, audience size, equipment standard. Amateur, professional or enthusiast methods of working. Any rules on hours or money?


Being Chief LX when you have one LX person to supervise on an arts project taking place in a stately home is VERY different from being Chief LX working nine till five with no show duties with a team of 20 people to organise on a ten day rotation of three operas!

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As an ex member of the LX crew for Welsh National Opera (when I was young and handsome..!!)

We used to (as they still do today) run a 4 opera rep on tour ie. different one every day!

The Chief LX on tour mainly did the re focus each day and keep us on time!!

However, back at base that was a different matter. With new productions coming into the rep, as we all know crap drops down from above!

So he was in the chain from the Set Designer, Lighting Designer, Production Manager and Head of Lighting and Sound. After getting the 'wish list' from all the above he then had to farm out things like the making of practicals, working out any re rigging of the touring rig, ordering any new kit for the production and re patching.

Also whilst on tour managing the consumable's budget, days off, pre calls for local crew at the various theatres we were going to and keeping them happy as well!!

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