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Number of crew needed for outdoor and indoor performances


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Hi, I'm currently studying Drama and Theatre studies at the University of Kent and we're producing a hypothetical performance for our stage management module. Our performance will start in a theatre and the audience will then be moved to an outdoor, park area. I was wondering if anyone could tell me all the technical staff we would need? We were considering having two separate teams for each venue and both venues will have lighting, sound and props. We also have costumes and make-up that need taking care of as well.


We also need to describe the differences in stage managing an outdoor performance compared to an indoor. We have some ideas but any more would be appreciated.


Thank you

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Welcome to the Blue Room. You'll find that we're not particularly keen on doing people's homework for them, and your question does read as exactly that, but if you say "this is what I think we'll need, can anyone see anything that we've missed" you'll get a much better response. Tell us what you think and then we'll offer opinions on that.
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Erm, it sort of depends on what you need them to do? I'd also suggest your lecturer perhaps wanted you to think about it yourself rather than leap straight for the internet...


Lighting and sound could be one person or 5 or more depending on how much needs doing. Props could be preset on the props table before the show and left or it could be 5 ASMs catching them as they come offstage.


Draw up a list of exactly what technical things need doing at each site. Work out which tasks can be allocated to the same person. From that extrapolate required crew

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Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like I'm asking people to do my homework for me. This is only the smallest part of our project which we have worked on for weeks. My post didn't come out as I intended. We realise we need a sound and lighting operator, wardrobe mistress, ASM, DSMs, SM, someone to work the generator, props manager. I was just wondering if there was any one else I've missed. Sorry again for the miscommunication. I find this site really helpful and wouldn't use it just to skim on my own research.
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Do you have to worry about FOH staff? Someone is going to have to shepherd the patrons! Also, do you have to set and strike equipment from the outdoor site daily - you may need extra crew to do that. Does the wardrobe mistress/master deal with makeup, if it's a show needing more than actors can do themselves?
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We have front of house staff at the indoor area and a steward and security for the journey to the outdoor area. We have a stage in the river which will be fitted up and struck by the people we would hire from. We also have some chairs and a mirror for our set which we need to strike. Should we hire a van and get it taken back to the Theatre do you think? I believe we'd have a separate make-up artist. Thank you for your help.
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There you go, see, unless you tell us exactly what you are doing and what you already have planned the resident elf'n'safety pedant couldn't say; "Not without a lifeguard, you don't."


At least any gig I have ever done which required licensing where there was any more than a puddle of water required some RA based on the inevitable falling or leaping into it. GridGirl is doing a mighty gig in a harbour and I would bet she already has the rescue boats and barriers organised, let alone full risk assessment for the power supplies on or near the wet stuff.

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GridGirl is doing a mighty gig in a harbour and I would bet she already has the rescue boats and barriers organised, let alone full risk assessment for the power supplies on or near the wet stuff.


Mercifully all of that is not my problem....I'm far more interested in finding out if you can use a double bass hard case as a canoe. Or whether timpani float. Or whether annoying orchestra members can swim.


Seriously though, and back on topic, if you don't have to hire a van then don't - do your chairs and mirror fit in someone's car? Or can you lock it up securely on the site? I did an outdoor show and we had a 20 foot container on site (hidden behind some trees) and everything lived in there between shows - lights, sound gear, props, costumes, the lot. Meant much less hassle.

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Could anyone please tell me what the purpose of using a stage manager in an outdoor performance would be? I understand the need for ASMs and DSM but don't quite understand why we would need a SM evenm though I'm sure we do., Thankl you for all your help.



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Could anyone please tell me what the purpose of using a stage manager in an outdoor performance would be?

same as an indoor performance,someones got to be the boss after all


.I'm far more interested in finding out if you can use a double bass hard case as a canoe

now that I'd like to see,do make sure you get suitable film evidence either way

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Answer to GridGirl, of course but the balance is a bit odd, outrigger may be necessary, check Teifi coracles.


A floating four-poster bed in flames is easy but a 40 foot X 25 foot floating castle 4 metres high was hard work.


Outdoor stage managers are common but you might want to call them a site manager and give them safety duties as well. All depends not on what people are labelled but ensuring that the duties are covered. I've never understood the hierarchical willy-waving in theatre where a title means more than the wage packet. Odd.

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Mercifully all of that is not my problem....I'm far more interested in finding out if you can use a double bass hard case as a canoe.


You can use a cello case as a sled



That cello case was built by the same company that built our double bass cases....which I think would also work well as sleds. They've got skids on them and all!

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