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We Will, We Will, ROCK YOU!


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Hi Y'all!


Wondered if anyone had any information about the lighting for the current production of We will rock you! ?

It would be amaaaazinnggggggg if anyone also had a copy of the plan? Or knew where I could find one!


Also feel free (infact please do!) to post any pictures of the productions of it you've been involved with! (Even if it's the schools version!)


Thanks :D


Rory B :)

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Just be aware that the intellectual copyright for that lighting design will still be with the Lighting Designer, therefore any reproduction could be an offence.



Yeh thank you! Sorry I meant to say that! It's for me to look at... NOT recreate!

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Not wanting to blur the lines of this thread with 'show your show', if you have a fb account, you should be able to see our amateur production here:




Quite, personally I'd be wanting to see the end result of other people's work on a show when thinking of design ideas, not the way they plugged it up.

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Not wanting to blur the lines of this thread with 'show your show', if you have a fb account, you should be able to see our amateur production here:




Quite, personally I'd be wanting to see the end result of other people's work on a show when thinking of design ideas, not the way they plugged it up.



I too agree it's great to see the end result - hence why I said I also appreciate pictures being posted :)

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I too agree it's great to see the end result - hence why I said I also appreciate pictures being posted :)

Well, I'm going to dive in on this one, as I'm someone must do soon anyway.


If you want to see photos and rig plans just purely from interest, then that's one thing. However if you're wanting to look for ideas because you're doing the same show soon, then that's quite another.


Most (if not all) of the old hands here will tell you to completely ignore how everyone else did the show. Forget what has gone before.

Read the script. Listen to the music (and do both again and again til you KNOW them both well).

Talk to the director and musical director and designers of whatever set you're having and discuss what their ideas might be, and then start to think about how your lighting can contribute to the whole project in an individual and objective way.

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I too agree it's great to see the end result - hence why I said I also appreciate pictures being posted :)

Well, I'm going to dive in on this one, as I'm someone must do soon anyway.


If you want to see photos and rig plans just purely from interest, then that's one thing. However if you're wanting to look for ideas because you're doing the same show soon, then that's quite another.


Most (if not all) of the old hands here will tell you to completely ignore how everyone else did the show. Forget what has gone before.

Read the script. Listen to the music (and do both again and again til you KNOW them both well).

Talk to the director and musical director and designers of whatever set you're having and discuss what their ideas might be, and then start to think about how your lighting can contribute to the whole project in an individual and objective way.



As I mentioned earlier in the thread... I wish to see - not recreate... It's clearly stated above :)

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Totally OT, but the funniest thing is I have a couple of friends who've been in the show, one left in the cast change before christmas and the other started the same time, and I think it fair to say that Queen music is no longer on the playlists! I mentioned the name of one of the musicians on the show, and they'd never heard of him - very little contact between departments. Their favourite things were the nights Roger Taylor would turn up and appear through the floor on a lift with his kit, or Brian May do the same.


I assume the OP has been to the show and liked it. I did, the first time, and maybe the second. After nine visits, I don't go anymore - even when I'm stuck in a hotel around the corner, and all my colleagues have gone to see it. The only thing about going multiple times is how you notice the things that are not the same - most to do with things moving. Apart from the laser beam cage, I really can't remember any of the other elements. It's a show heavy on effects rather than content and script, and this is why it's good for schools to do - because you do as much technical as you can.


I did a design for it once where a school wanted lots of clever stuff, but didn't have much money. The design built a timber false wall at the back of the stage - simple DIY stuff with mdf panels and lots of stud work - but the face was painted white, and had lots of panels cut into various shapes that could open on hinges. The wall was 'lit' by projectors flown from a length of truss that framed the prosc opening on their school type stage. The projectors were just school stock - the plan was for 12, one for each opening. All the recordings were squished to cope with the angles so keystoneing wasn't an issue. We did the tests with two projectors. One panel had vertical doors, that opened inwards, the other had stretchy white material slit down the middle and overlapped a bit, over a 'hole'. We recorded a student running towards the camera in costume, and then at the moment they reached the fabric (as in reached the lens of the camera) we cut the video and they went through the gap onto the stage for real. The plan was to sort of make people's entrances like a tele porter, so the Killer Queen and Khashoggi could do some really great entrances and exits this way. The hinged doors could have door detail projected, or be used to suggest a kind of lift, with the windows appearing at the very top, then lowering to near ground level, and then opening magically. The tests looked really good, but we scrapped it because that year we just couldn't cast it.

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Not wanting to blur the lines of this thread with 'show your show', if you have a fb account, you should be able to see our amateur production here: https://www.facebook...=3&l=4a7532349e


Firstly, Those look fantastic :-)


If you want to see photos and rig plans just purely from interest, then that's one thing. However if you're wanting to look for ideas because you're doing the same show soon, then that's quite another.

Most (if not all) of the old hands here will tell you to completely ignore how everyone else did the show. Forget what has gone before.

Read the script. Listen to the music (and do both again and again til you KNOW them both well).

Talk to the director and musical director and designers of whatever set you're having and discuss what their ideas might be, and then start to think about how your lighting can contribute to the whole project in an individual and objective way.


Couldn't agree more - I did this recently in a very small school for a friend who teaches there, we had almost no set ( just projection ) as the stage had no wings and quite limited lighting (although I brought a few nodding buckets and a load of Source 4 pars with me to add to the 14 Fresnels + 4 profiles they light their usual shows with )


There is no way we could recreate the west end show - so why bother trying - discuss with your director what they want to achieve and make it your own, it's a great show and the cast had a remarkable amount of fun doing it which, in schools particularly, tends to be what it's all about;. https://p.twimg.com/Aj9llNGCAAA67WU.jpg:medium - a photo taken at the end with the cast posing randomly on stage and someone (not me) putting pretty much everything at full which, unfortunately, included the hazer ;)

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