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RCF TT+ vs Nexo PS System?


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Hi everyone,


This is a bit of an odd question, I've never heard an RCF TT system (of any description) and was wondering a little about them.


I have a couple of Nexo PS8/LS400 systems, which as a lot of you will know are an 8" & 1" mid-top box and single 12" sub woofer in each cabinet. I tend to run them a pair of PS8s and a pair of LS400s together, from a pair of Crown K2 amplifiers and the appropriate controller (about 3.5kW in total).


How does the little Nexo rig compare to the RCF TT system? Specifically their 8" & 1" mid-top and their 12" sub woofer. Unfortunately I'm from the Isle of Wight so popping in to somewhere to hear a rig is a bit of a trek!


Has anyone heard both systems? What are your thoughts?



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Well, I'll probably be taking my TT+ system (the size you're interested in) to the Island again in May, so I'll let you know where we've got gigs. It may even be possible to do a shoot out!.


I've done a function in a marquee where I did the band & the DJ had a small Nexo rig. To be honest, both systems sounded good, but with different source material I couldn't say one was better than the other.

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Well, I'll probably be taking my TT+ system (the size you're interested in) to the Island again in May, so I'll let you know where we've got gigs. It may even be possible to do a shoot out!.


I've done a function in a marquee where I did the band & the DJ had a small Nexo rig. To be honest, both systems sounded good, but with different source material I couldn't say one was better than the other.


If you wouldn't mind that would be awesome mate. If you could PM me the details it would be much appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I'll probably be taking my TT+ system (the size you're interested in) to the Island again in May, so I'll let you know where we've got gigs. It may even be possible to do a shoot out!.


I've done a function in a marquee where I did the band & the DJ had a small Nexo rig. To be honest, both systems sounded good, but with different source material I couldn't say one was better than the other.


If you wouldn't mind that would be awesome mate. If you could PM me the details it would be much appreciated.


Guys.. jumping in over 2 weeks later I know but | would offer the following purely individual comments.


I own some RCF gear and some Nexo gear. In my opinion, RCF is MI market and Nexo is touring market. Having said that, the RCF sound is extremely sweet, and many of their units are active making them extremely simple to use. For live terms, the Nexo equipment in my opinion just has the natural flat response and gives serious gain before feedback. I get an excellent sound from RCF speakers also, but I often use them for on stage monitoring and have to EQ them quite a bit to sort feed-back issues.


The PS10 R2 and LS600 is a serious bit of gear - the sound pressure levels from the cabs of this small size will far exceed the RCF in real terms. But bare in mind you are buying pro touring gear with Nexo and wil also need correct controllers/amplifiers and although I think the sound is better, the price is much higher.


Just my thoughts guys!!

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  • 2 years later...

Sorry to be chippin in so late, I just joined. I always found Nexo to have too much colouration/distortion. Yes they go proper loud and are great for DJ's, but within minutes of listening to them I feel the first stages of horn fatigue. With the TT range I never get horn fatigue and people dancing in front of the speakers don't wince everytime I hit a big note. As a singist I find I don't have to push so hard to get notes sounding full and clear and it's a lot easier on my voice, less vocal fatigue. I have TT22as and TT08as and I run them with one TTS12a for playback gigs or two ART 705as with band. For Monitoring I use SMA25 from the same range and they are just awesome, very loud clear and no horn fatigue. My last monitors were EV SXA360 and it was like having your ears shredded in a meat grinder and the tinnitus went on for days. Another feature of RCF is that the protection always activates a little earlier than many other systems. This keeps your sound clean and uncompressed and in so doing increases the lifespan of your drivers.This may be why some other speakers go louder.

I like KV2 they are real nice but I do find the horns a little hard for my liking.

Martin Wavefront are really good, I've heard just the 1x12s pushed really hard producing a loud clear sound with little colouration. I don't know what their modern equivalent is. Logic systems are really nice as well you can pick up sub sat systems still in really good condition for next to nothing. If RCF didn't exist this what I would have.

The only other make I really like is D&B Audiotecknik. These are wonderful.

But as with all the speakers I like the sound of they don't go as loud as some of the shoutier speakers do. I much prefer fidelity over volume and so for a DJ Nexo may be a good move but for live music it's no surprise to me that you never see a PA company using them.

just a note about TT22as...they do have impressive articulation. I absolutely love mine on band gigs you really can pick out and eq each individual voice and instrument and get great separation. the tt08s are very good for small playback gigs to 80 people or in a pub or swing gigs where you don't need volume just clarity.


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Nexo are not used for live music? That's all I ever use, for a Theatre, Bands, Artists. My clients are always amazed by the sound, and repeat bookings speak for themselves. Nexo have a very flat sound, whereas RCF tend to be a little top heavy. I'm baffled how you would be getting Horn Fatigue from a Nexo PA unless it's set up wrong.

BTW I have the PS10 system, 6 tops and the subs to match.

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I've had horn fatigue from PS15s before, the controller was setup for PS15s with a sense line by someone who knows (and owns) a lot of Nexo.


I like the RCF TT stuff I heard a couple of years back, it was an 8" top and 12" sub combo and was very good for the size. I can't comment on the price however.



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I own and use 2 RCF TT22-a's. Really really like them.


A few comments;

They're flipping loud! We did the show Miss Saigon on them last week and even during the helicopter landing scene, the signal present LED's only just lighting green. Never had a room in which I dared push them yet. I know on paper they're as loud as plenty of other, cheaper boxes, but it's the fact that they just get on with it without ever really sounding that they're working. I've no doubt that they'd sound just as nice flat out as they do at quieter levels.


They don't really "sound" like anything. By that I mean, they're pretty much flat. What you stick in, you get out. They're a good full range box and have plenty of punch down low, but nothing more than what the music asks of them. They're never going to make your mix sound better than it actually is with a smiley face!




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The PS15 combination of a 15 inch and a 1 inch can be difficult to get to sound good if not driven well with the right material. I was given a rig of them with a tie clip radio mic show and it was difficult to get a good balance. They can be very good but not as good an all rounder as the PS10 so I understand Josh's comments. Given a choice I would use PS10's and a sub.
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