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Colours that make you go 'oooooo nice'


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Just a random topic for general chat if that’s ok (don't really know the rules of this forum that well)


This is really just out of personal interest, but what colours have people found that they think wow, wish I’d found this 10 years ago!



Being inexperienced I’ve not had chance to see many of the Lee Filters on a full stage wash. At uni we are steered towards the use of particular tried and tested colours. Not to say the lecturer has a problem with us trying random colours, but advice and our LX budget of £12.50 doesn't really allow risk taking when buying colours and also the Scrollers we have are always made up with the same colours in them. So I was wondering what filters people have taken a risk with and results turn out really well? E.g. my personal favourite is Lee 071 Tokyo Blue. Every time I see it I get that LX buzz that only nerds get! And for the mystical production of Grimm Tales we did it was perfect! A night state, with a slightly magical element to it!


So what are your favourite colours? And what situation did they work in?





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There is only one colour worth seeing. The accidental purple haze in the roof of an outdoor stage with a decent smoker blasting away. The nearest I ever came to a deliberate reconstruction were purple and green gels floodlighting a castle from the moat as fireworks smoke drifted across the ramparts.


God the great LD always wins.


peza is right, just keep playing with gels and combinations, nothing is wrong and nothing is right it just is. My personal thing is candles and straw and open white turned right down. Find yours.

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Lee 156 CHOCOLATE, yummy.


Yep, that one was introduced to me a while ago through another LD ... use it a lot now...


I'm surprised at the OP being "steered towards tried and tested colours" - the whole design process is, in my limited experience, all about experimentation and what works best for that particular production.


I've found myself using colours that are quite hideous in most circumstances but they really worked for the show in question. (one that comes to mind is a wash in 728!)

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I've found myself using colours that are quite hideous in most circumstances but they really worked for the show in question. (one that comes to mind is a wash in 728!)


I see your wash in 728 and raise you frontlight in 241 (the only source of frontlight, for the entire show). Highly effective in that particular situation, but it was truly disgusting.

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I've found myself using colours that are quite hideous in most circumstances but they really worked for the show in question. (one that comes to mind is a wash in 728!)


I see your wash in 728 and raise you frontlight in 241 (the only source of frontlight, for the entire show). Highly effective in that particular situation, but it was truly disgusting.


Was the desired effect gas light? That's a bit sickly green.

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well It's not a case of we are told what colours work well and they are the ones we should use, maybe I didn't word it very well. We are encouraged to look at colours for specific shows. However what I’ve found after speaking to several different designers is that they all use for example, the same blue to represent night. Or they all use the same filter for a nice day light effect on the skin. More often than not I’m sure that the chosen colours are perfect for the Job, however how much of this is just perceived wisdom handed down from designers to the next? I don't think I’ll meet anyone who has seen every single colour from the swatch book in a full flood so maybe there's another designer who says, yer I used to use that blue, but I happened across this other shade that looks stunning... Just getting opinions really! Being nosey :)


Also interested in hearing about those bold colours that look just stunning for no reason other than they are a brilliant colour!


Lee 156 CHOCOLATE, yummy.


Yep, that one was introduced to me a while ago through another LD ... use it a lot now...


I'm surprised at the OP being "steered towards tried and tested colours" - the whole design process is, in my limited experience, all about experimentation and what works best for that particular production.


I've found myself using colours that are quite hideous in most circumstances but they really worked for the show in question. (one that comes to mind is a wash in 728!)

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A while ago I read this piece about an American LD who came to the Edinburgh Fringe and his experience thereof, and in it he commented that all the Brit LDs must get together and agree what FOH colors they were going to use, 'cos everyone used the same thing.


(spelling of color as he was an American)

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