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LED light engine?


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Just wondering if anyone has developed - or is developing - an LED replacement for arclamps such as the popular MSD250 - it would be great to chuck out the choke, starter, capacitor and lamp and just fit a 50 000 hour 90W White LED - no more excessive heat and no need for remote lamp on / off commands or a noisy cooling fan! Such a device would, I'm sure, be very popular at the right price.
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Not any time soon afraid, why are arc lamps so popular, power density, lot of light in very small area, easy to collect and throw out front.


LEDs have much lower power density, so bigger area for equivalent light output, larger gathering optics.

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Think you might find that high powered LEDs still need cooling fans....


Yes, but not as much as a 250W discharge lamp, so should run quieter and last longer.

You'd think...

But I've run Mac 350 LEDs next to some 250 Entours and they were pretty much of a muchness I'd say.

And as I've said here before, the 350s are rated to pull MORE current that the 250s...!

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LED light sources show much promise for replacing incandescent lighting, for theatre use and in many other applications.

LEDs have several times the efficiency of halogen, coloured LEDs can be dozens of times more efficient than a deep blue filtered halogen lamp.


Discharge sources are already a lot more efficient than incandescent, therefore the gains in replaceing them with LED are less substantial and not allways justified.


I doubt that LED lamp units will ever be a direct replacement for discharge sources.

Purpose designed fixtures with LED sources are already available.


As others post, LED sources tend be larger than discharge, and they still need fans in the case of high power units.

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For me, the main advantages in having a conversion kit would be reduced maintenance, no need to replace lamps and a lighter fixture.


LED sources tend be larger than discharge


True, but removing the choke, old reflector and lamp, capacitor and starter would leave a lot of room - ultimately the light needs to be focussed into the same area - LED spots that I've looked at seem to use the same size gobos - around 26mm - as my current discharge fixtures, and I don't see why the colour filters would need to change. If it was possible to produce such an engine for a reasonable price, say the cost of a replacement lamp or two, it would have long term economic benefits.

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ultimately the light needs to be focussed into the same area


There lies the catch, that`s why discharge is so popular, look at the light emitting area of an MSR 575 against a halogen HPL 575...


Thats why the short life of short arcs is tolerated, short arc has lots of light in a concentrated area, think of any light source as glowing orb, only a little amount is going forward in the wanted direction, the rest has to be gathered by the reflector and pointed down the optics.


Xenon is only as efficient as halogen, but power density is much higher, hence its use in Skytracker type beam effects, its possible to gather all the light with a parabolic reflector and get it all out the front in a parallel beam.


Best of bunch of LED profiles looked at at Plasa was the Prism Reveal, in no way a small unit , with output roughly equivalent to a 400W discharge unit but drawing about 375W, with RGB colour mixing and a beautifully flat field, unfortunately price was in line with its bulk.

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