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Electrician in need of more education...


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Hi All

I'm after some advice.


I'm aself employed electrician with quite a lotof experience in temporary electric supplies and looking to getmore clued up on stage lighting/design.

Iwouldn't say I'm a complete novice but I've taught myself up to nowon 3 small festivals I run. Theres nothing like slinging yourself inat the deep end!


Couldanyone recommend a route to go down? Whether it be getting some morequalifications or would hands on experience be best?

I'velooked around on the internet at courses people offer - but theres nothing thatjumps out in the Somerset area.


I feelits the perfect time being self employed to spend some time learning somethingnew...







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Tim could you give us some idea of what electrical qualifications you hold which would determine what else you may need?

You say you are a self-employed electrician so presumably you have already some expertise in the field which is the best possible start you could have.

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I've done level 3 NVQ apprenticeship (I forget what the c&g number is).17th edition regs and level 2 inspection and testing. O yeah and key skills.Ha!

Yeah Iworked for a guy who did a lot of temporary electrical work from gamefairs to big concerts but never to much on the lighting side.

I do somegarden and wedding lighting outside in the summer. In a few years time I'd liketo expand more in to stage lighting - but need more knowledgeand experience to do that.





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There are a number of Sound and Lighting companies in Somerset that you might be able to get work with too.




Get hold of Ernie at city of Westminster college. City and guilds 1810 parts 1, 2, and 3. Same as the 236 but with a Theatre twist. Holy grail of Lampy qualifications. All of us to Chief L's LD's and production managers have it. Number to follow. Can't do better than that. I think They do it in Scotland, too, Edinburgh (napier) uni!

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