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Creating Audio responsive visualisations


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Hi all,


I'm looking at increasing the amount of projection / visualisations used in one of the venues I work at and have dabbled in using pre-made visualisations that react to an audio input (run through a PC with a line in)


I'm now looking to develop this further and to animate logos to react to sound, for example, making a logo pulse in live reaction to bass - I need to achieve this by using a live audio input rather than any timecoding as it will be mostly running in conjuction with DJ sets.


Does anybody know of any software that allows you to do such a thing or is it likely to be a more coding intensive exercise?


Thanks in advance!

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Winamp. You can use custom bmp and avi files in Winamp AVS which can then be layered into other effects (there's a wide range of blending modes in AVS to carry out keying). A Picture Renderer with a logo bmp and then a Roto Blitter effect added on will do the logo pumping to bass exactly and takes a couple of minutes to set up.


If you aren't aware, you can open the line input in the Winamp playlist using the "url" linein://

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I like Visual Jockey gold. The help forum is great, and there are a bunch of plugins to go with it of premade effects.


You can have the image effected by sound but you can also manually change the scope they change. It also has an inbuilt keystone + cross fade effects etc.

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