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"Purple Guide" Update


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See here for an update on progress since the consultation last year on the Purple Guide. Those who contributed to the consultation may be interested. This is also featured on day two of the Event Production Showduring the NAOE sessions.


Thanks for this - and an interesting development. I'm sure that those involved will be more than aware of the potential issue, but let's hope that the new guidance is not regarded as biased by commercial concerns in any way . Local authorities viewed the Purple Book as only one notch down from the 10 commandments - presumably because it was published by the HSE?

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Hopefully Simon, as the guides are web-based with links allowed to the websites of those on the working groups, direct commercialism may be limited.

As the guides are prepared for publication it is intended to submit them for "approval" by the various government and associated bodies so they may hold "credence" with LA's. We have to wait and see.


For those not "in the know" the original HSG195 was written mainly by industry professionals and the new one cannot be published by HSE because HSE does not have any authority over much of what is needed to produce a comprehensive guide. They were somewhat overgenerous in sponsorship of the original and any replacement is outside their remit.


The first part of the planning guide should be available shortly and that is being provided by Richard Limb of Derby University and Capita Symonds so we will be able to judge then as he was one of the original authors and is speaking on it and Lofstedt at EPS.


For anyone wishing to make a career in outdoor events that NOEA session is well worth the visit, Phil Day is a good speaker and never fails to entertain while delivering vital information. And no, I am not now a NOEA member.

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I heard through the grapevine that one or two consultation submissions, at least, set the cat amongst the pigeons and highlighted to those involved what they were taking on, both in terms of the actual content and the implications that Simon and Kerry raise.
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Errrm, all the questions were answered by the OP and the links are up there Dani.

But while we are here; No, Yes and Limbo alone knows, mate.


More shall be revealed at the show.... errrm.... or not as the case maybe!


We shall no doubt have a frank and open exchange of views when we learn more, then again we could well all go ballistic and rant for ages.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well from yesterday's seminar it seems that Richard Limb and one or two others are taking on the whole task to be published in stages via the web. There were assurances that the same matters would not be covered in different sections, the glaring omissions from the draft would be addressed and that the completed guide would enable the regulators/organizers to do their jobs properly. Queries 1) Would it have ACOP status? 2) Any government support? Richard said the hope was that if the guide was written by people in the industry who know what they are doing that HSE would recognize the use of the booklet. I am unconvinced that what's envisaged will be what many in the front line will want/need.


Otherwise Phil Day as usual was excellent and worth the trip alone, Andy Grove of LAEOG distinctly unimpressive while Rob Corp's presentation on Live Screens was pretty pointless. Footfall at the show seemed sparse in the extreme and one wonders whether the organizers will attempt yet another re-focus/re-brand or throw in the towel?.

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It is almost certainly outside the remit of HSE to make it ACOP as there will be "guidance" and "good practice" in there just as before. I didn't make the show as basically I couldn't be doing with the hassle of London, just couldn't face the place.

What did Limbo have to say on Lofstedt? The DWP interpretation left the prof a bit miffed and he seems to have gone into hibernation somewhere.


If Richard didn't give any idea just when his section was being released I doubt that we will see much before the Autumn as the suggestion was that they be released section by section to give everyone a chance to ruminate and comment. I also hope that my original idea of downloadable pro-formas might be adopted but we wait and see.

Thanks for the heads up Roger.

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What did Limbo have to say on Lofstedt? The DWP interpretation left the prof a bit miffed and he seems to have gone into hibernation somewhere.


Read the Lofstedt executive summary and the Young report and don't expect much in the way of action bar a crack-down on ambulance chasing seemed to be the advice.


What Phil Day had to say about licensing was in many ways the most worrying.


No mention of the big 'elephant in the room' which is localism and planning taken togther.

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