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zero 88 DMX Problem


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Our small amateur group in Derbyshire has some old (15 years or so) zero 88 6 way DMX dimmer packs. We have just purchased a new DMX lighting desk (showtec showmaster 48) and two 4 way dimmers (also showtech). Connecting them together causes a strange response from the zero 88s. When operating the desk the new dimmers operate fine but the lights connected to the zero 88 appear to only have two states, on and off and there is also a couple of second delay after reaching full or zero level before the lights change state. We've checked the system with only the zero 88s connected , same response and also with an old zero 88 manual desk which works fine. The zero 88s have 5 pin connectors and the new desk 3 pin. We've used an adapter to transition from 5 to 3. So this is a bit of a mystery. Any advice would be appreciated.
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Our small amateur group in Derbyshire has some old (15 years or so) zero 88 6 way DMX dimmer packs. We have just purchased a new DMX lighting desk (showtec showmaster 48) and two 4 way dimmers (also showtech). Connecting them together causes a strange response from the zero 88s. When operating the desk the new dimmers operate fine but the lights connected to the zero 88 appear to only have two states, on and off and there is also a couple of second delay after reaching full or zero level before the lights change state. We've checked the system with only the zero 88s connected , same response and also with an old zero 88 manual desk which works fine. The zero 88s have 5 pin connectors and the new desk 3 pin. We've used an adapter to transition from 5 to 3. So this is a bit of a mystery. Any advice would be appreciated.


A popular gotcha with a 5-3 pin adaptor is to get the pins the wrong way round. On a 5 pin connector they number around the arc in order (1-5) On a 3-pin connector pin 3 is in the middle. Your adaptor should be connecting 1-1, 2-2, 3-3.



Editied to put in the reply!

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Presumably the showtech dimmers are 3 pin DMX so wouldn't be affected by a pin swap in the 3>5 adaptor?


I'm fairly sure the showmaster desk has a DMX phase reverse switch underneath, if you flick that and the Zero88 dimmers are ok but the showtec aren't then it's definately a pin 2/3 swap

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@HATS - For reasons I won't go in to here (only via PM if you want detail) have you tried the Zero racks with a DMX tester (if you have access to one) to check they're receiving DMX ok and responding correctly?


You seem to imply that the ShowTec dimmers are working ok - so perhaps this isn't a phase issue but there can be issues when mixing equipment (I presume the Showtec kit is less than about 4 months old)?

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"We've checked the system with only the zero 88s connected , same response and also with an old zero 88 manual desk which works fine".


From this, Do I take it that the original system was an analogue one. If wrong, did you use DMX to originally drive the dimmers? If yes, does the original DMX desk still work correctly with the dimmers?


There were issues in the past where some desks would not work with some dimmers which was rectified by replacing the chip in the Betapacks.


Do you have an alternative source of DMX to try with the Betapacks?



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