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Strand MX


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Hello folks.


I have lately come across an organisation using a Strand MX (24 channel) lighting desk which is currently connected to a selection of dimmers. The originally got in touch with me as they are planning to extend their system with extra dimmers and / or simple led cans. This was all going swimmingly until the last time I visited them when I noticed that they were using the D54 output rather than the DMX output.


I assume the dimmers are Act6s since (I think) D54 is a Strand protocol but there is no obvious way to get to the dimmers and check this. Whoever installed the system buried the dimmers behind plates leaving the only external control a series of mcb-style switches. For all I know the dimmers may be custom designed something-elses.


The MX manual says "you may only connect one multiplex cable at any one time. The console only transmits the dimmer protocol selected in the menu" which seems fairly unequivocal and therefore suggests I need to explore DMX - D54 convertors which so far have seemed fairly expensive.


Another option would be to run two desks side by side but this would no doubt confuse people in the long term and doesn't seem a very satisfactory solution.


I tried to search in some depth on this site but the posts I found at first seemed rather old and I thought things may have changed since 2005/6.



So I would like to know from folks with actual experience with this desk - can you run D54 and DMX at the same time (despite what the manual says) and / or has anyone a recommended supplier of DMX to d54 convertors?


Many thanks,


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My suggestion would be to use the DMX output from the desk, along with a splitter and converter.


We use a very similar set up at my venue, where our dimmers are D54, but out Strand 300 outputs D54 or DMX (if I am correct, we only ever use DMX). We runt the DMX out from the desk to a splitter, which allows the output to be connected to 4 (in our case, depends on the splitter) extra DMX devices or chains. We then run one output from that to a converter.


We use the Pathway Connect DMX Ultimate Converter (http://www.pathwayconnect.com/content/view/32/29/) which is a stable piece of kit, and has a nice option which holds the DMX output if the desk goes. The D54 from that then goes to our dimmers. I would definitely recommend them.


That's my suggestion, someone else may have a better idea but I've never managed to figure out a simpler way.


Kind Regards,


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Do the dimmers have analogue in? You could run DMX and then use a DMX demux in the dimmer rack. My old sixth form went this way on their old Act6/MX rig to incorporate some new DMX devices.


You need to find out what's behind the panel really.

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Do the dimmers have analogue in? You could run DMX and then use a DMX demux in the dimmer rack. My old sixth form went this way on their old Act6/MX rig to incorporate some new DMX devices.


You need to find out what's behind the panel really.

I'd second that, there's a fairly good chance if the dimmers are running on D54 that you'll be able to feed them an analogue signal relatively easily. A Demux is certainly significantly cheaper than a D54 - DMX interface.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry to drag this back up but I knew it could be done but was not sure of the criteria. I finslly stumbled across my olde MX software release notes.


I can confirm that as of version 2.2 software, the MX DID have the option to output simultaneously both D54 AND DMX. Primarilly to allow the use of scrollers on installations where there were D54 dimmers.



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I can confirm that as of version 2.2 software, the MX DID have the option to output simultaneously both D54 AND DMX. Primarilly to allow the use of scrollers on installations where there were D54 dimmers.


That's interesting, because as far as I can tell you can't on the GSX / LBX range :( You can on a 500 series though

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Just to confirm that this is possible.


We had a couple of MXs at my old venue that ran both D54 and DMX simultaneously. Can't remember there being an option to turn it on and off, though it's been a while since I've used them. If I recall correctly the setup menus are pretty easy to navigate, so it might be worth a scroll through to see if there are any output options if you havent already. It would be in the advanced setup I would have thought.


Hope that helps a bit...

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I can confirm that as of version 2.2 software, the MX DID have the option to output simultaneously both D54 AND DMX.


That's interesting.


I assume that upgrading the software on an MX is a suitably arcane process?



A couple of Eproms.




Just to confirm that this is possible.


We had a couple of MXs at my old venue that ran both D54 and DMX simultaneously. Can't remember there being an option to turn it on and off, though it's been a while since I've used them. If I recall correctly the setup menus are pretty easy to navigate, so it might be worth a scroll through to see if there are any output options if you havent already. It would be in the advanced setup I would have thought.


Hope that helps a bit...


When D54 is selected, a DMX signal is also sent with up to 384 dimmers.



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