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Making a mobile phone ring Remoteley


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That's an easy one! If I call a mobile it takes between five and fifteen seconds to start ringing - not much use as a cue?


Loads of clever ways with streaming or other technical wizzardry, but most people simply hide a speaker on set and play a sound effect - much more low tech and much more reliable.

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If the actor can do it themselves, you can get the fake caller app for iphones which makes the phone ring immediately.. this way the screen will light up as usual and the ringtone will also sound. It's exactly the same as someone ringing it, but without waiting for it to ring and depending on good signal etc.


You don't need a phone signal, and it's an app on the phone so is down to the user. I'm sure you can set a timer.. for example you can tell the phone to ring you in exactly 20 minutes, or at 10:15pm etc. Download a couple of apps (they're usually free) and see if it'd work for you




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We usually do it by hiding a speaker nearby on the set as Paul suggests. Unless the timer is discreetly set off within the previous 30 seconds or so, it seems unlikely that the show will run reliably to the second - it might ring early or late.
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Have you tried two iPhone's using Skype? I believe the time it takes for it to ring is much shorter than a normal phone call. especially if they are both using the same wireless network. (if the venue has one available) not sure how well it'd work, but surely worth a try?
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Airfoil would do it - http://www.rogueamoeba.com/airfoil/


Available for mac or windows, just have the iphone running the Airfoil Speakers app. Airfoil on your computer can now send audio to be played by the phone.


If you're using a mac and Qlab for playback (if not, you should, it's really good :P ) then you'd probably need to use soundflower to route the sound into airfoil.

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Airfoil would do it - http://www.rogueamoeba.com/airfoil/


Available for mac or windows, just have the iphone running the Airfoil Speakers app. Airfoil on your computer can now send audio to be played by the phone.


If you're using a mac and Qlab for playback (if not, you should, it's really good :P ) then you'd probably need to use soundflower to route the sound into airfoil.


Airfoil is just the trick! Thanks very, VERY much!

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