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Peter Pan

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I always fancied hiring a Lasertink [link to from the Waaaaayback machine but by the time the opportunity to do Pan arose, the compnay had gone the way of so many...


Now if they had been a company in a country where Pan is performed frequently, perhaps they would have survived better.


A UK company did Pan with a laser, but not a Tink outline but a nebulous thing, its on youtube somewhere.

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Projection works well. I installed and modified 3 panto versions of it last year. Sometimes she was a just a ball of light when she was darting around, and the rest was a image recorded on blue-screen then edited etc. Looked pretty cool.
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Hmmm? (Ynot)

Does Kit Lane have a "thing" for fairies?


I was more thinking along the lines of the attractive young actresses who tend to play Tinkerbell in productions where she is a live character as well as or instead of an effect. However, I am now sufficiently middle aged that such suggestions just look a bit creepy I'll say no more.

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For a school production, little hand mirror held by student in the side of the stalls, a source 4 shuttered on to where she is and then dance the reflection around the room to where she needs to be. Then if you can stretch to it wireless DMX practicals (such as the scene where she appears trapped in a jar etc) :)
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I know I've suggested this before but I am far too lazy (and dead tired) to go back and look for it. If Tink has lines being played through the PA, get a small speaker which her lines are routed to. Stretch a balloon over the speaker, and glue small bits of broken mirror to it. Shutter off a profile so that it's hitting the speaker, then when the lines are played, bring the light up. The balloon will vibrate with the sound, causing the light to dance around the room. You may need to experiment with placement of speaker and light to get the best effect, but with a bit of time spent, it shoudl work well.
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I know I've suggested this before but I am far too lazy (and dead tired) to go back and look for it. If Tink has lines being played through the PA, get a small speaker which her lines are routed to. Stretch a balloon over the speaker, and glue small bits of broken mirror to it. Shutter off a profile so that it's hitting the speaker, then when the lines are played, bring the light up. The balloon will vibrate with the sound, causing the light to dance around the room. You may need to experiment with placement of speaker and light to get the best effect, but with a bit of time spent, it shoudl work well.



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For a school production, little hand mirror held by student in the side of the stalls, a source 4 shuttered on to where she is and then dance the reflection around the room to where she needs to be. Then if you can stretch to it wireless DMX practicals (such as the scene where she appears trapped in a jar etc) :)


First ever (pro) panto I went to as a child (in the 60's) used that technique.

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